5 Helpful Verses to Pray for Your Broken Relationship
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5 Helpful Verses to Pray for Your Broken Relationship

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if people were easier? If every parent, child, sibling, spouse, neighbor, and friend could get along blissfully? But we don’t. Relationships are messy! And unfortunately, some end in brokenness. Everyone I know has had at least one relationship end unpleasantly and many that had ended painfully leaving heart scars behind. Because……

The 5 Most Important Reasons Relationships Fail

The 5 Most Important Reasons Relationships Fail

I guess that’s why I wanted to write about relationships this year. Relationships are necessary messy blessings. God made us to live connected. God said, “It’s not good for the Man to be alone; I’ll make him a helper, a companion.”  Genesis 2:18 (MSG) Two people are better than one, because they get more done by working together. Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NCV) And we know it’s true. We…