Who Do You Think Should Decide Right and Wrong?
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Who Do You Think Should Decide Right and Wrong?

I wonder… Who Do You Think Should Decide Right and Wrong? If everyone says it’s okay … is it really okay? Is cultural holiness the bar for right and wrong? What is cultural holiness?  “Many Christians have what we might call a “cultural holiness”. They adapt to the character and behavior pattern of Christians around them….

Stop Being Negative and Positively Improve Your Life

Stop Being Negative and Positively Improve Your Life

This is important! Nothing . . . absolutely nothing is ever accomplished by being negative! And yes, I said that negatively. You may be thinking, “amen sister!” You’re tired of the whining, complaining, arguing, disapproving, finger-pointing I’m right and you’re wrong attitude you’re hearing on the news, reading on social media, and seeing around well ….

How the Fruit of the Spirit Can Bless Your Relationships

How the Fruit of the Spirit Can Bless Your Relationships

February, the “love” month is coming to a close. All month the internet has been flooded with tips for improving our relationships with those closest to us. Even with all those helpful suggestions, relationships are hard. We are short on patience and too often misunderstand each other. Feelings get hurt and closeness suffers. So, what’s the…

How to Know if Your Spirit is Healthy
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How to Know if Your Spirit is Healthy

Is your spirit healthy? Did you know—if your spirit is healthy you will have better physical, social, and emotional health than those who are spiritually unhealthy? But how do you know if your spirit is healthy? Can you know a person’s spiritual health from their: Church Attendance? Bible Study? Prayer Life? Morals? Compassion? Kindness? Friendliness?…

31+ “What If” Questions that will Bless Your Marriage
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31+ “What If” Questions that will Bless Your Marriage

Do you ever find yourself mentally grumbling about your spouse’s shortcomings? Things they neglect or ignore? Jobs you end up doing yourself because you’re tired of asking? Little annoyances that get on your nerves? Isn’t it funny how the quirks you found adorable early in your dating can often turn into the very things that…

How to Know Your “Why” & Love Intentionally & Authentically
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How to Know Your “Why” & Love Intentionally & Authentically

It’s February, so you know we have to talk about love. Okay, I’m using February as an excuse. If you’re a regular around here, you know we talk about love all the time because when you count your blessings . . . love tops the list. Recently, our pastor shared a message about knowing your…