Why It’s a Blessing to Surrender to God Especially When It’s Hard

What if God asked you for permission before He allowed your life to get painful and messy?
I imagine like me, you would quickly reply, “I don’t want to!“
“I don’t want to . . . endure, suffer, grieve, lose, forfeit, repent, surrender, forgive, etc. It’s too hard. It’s too painful. I’m not strong enough . . . I can’t do it.”
I’ve not only found myself saying the words. I had a time when with my fist clenched, like a spoiled four-year-old, I shook my hand at the heavens and shouted, “I don’t want to!” Not once, not twice, but probably half a dozen times.
I knew what God wanted me to do. I knew it was way past time for me to surrender the situation . . . to lay it at the throne of grace and let God be God in every area of my life.
But God was not acting fast enough to give me what I believed I needed. So, I cried and prayed. I searched for solutions. I tried everything and anything I could to end the pain and clean up the mess, except surrendering it to God.
After yet another tantrum, as my shouts slowly turned to streams of flowing tears, I reached a place of stillness and heard the Lord quietly whisper, “It’s time to let it go. Give it to me.”
And my reply, “I don’t want to, but if You want me to then You will have to pull it from my clenched fist and take it from me. I will do my best to trust You but I still don’t want to!“
Not exactly a surrender I’m proud of; nonetheless, one that God has shown me He received with grace and mercy.
Although it’s hard for me to explain or understand, I began to feel my clenched fists relax along with the emotions I had been holding on to so tightly.
Like a gentle parent, the Lord coaxed from my life what He knew was harmful and tenderly said, “It’s going to be okay. Trust Me. I will take care of this and I will take care of you.“
I think we tend to believe that we need to have the strength of will to surrender. But surrender is simply admitting that I am weak and God is strong and that He will faithfully show Himself strong in my life when I let go and give it all to Him.
- Surrender to God is trusting that His ways are best.
- Surrender to God is trusting His love and promises.
- Surrender to God is trusting that He will give me strength when I have none of my own.
- Surrender to God is trusting and obeying His will and His Word.
Surrender to God is following Jesus’ example in the Garden:
“Abba, Father,” He cried out, “everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want Your will to be done, not mine.”
Mark 14:36
Surrender is simply trusting God to give us everything we need:
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
A Prayer to Surrender to God
Every Day No Matter What
Father, I’ll admit that I’m childish and selfishly want what I want and I want it immediately. Although I see suffering in the world around me . . . I don’t want to experience it myself. I want smooth without rough and bumpy. I want ease and comfort without discomfort and difficulty. I want blessings without challenges.
Please forgive me. I’m guilty of being short-sighted, forgetting that You know the end from the beginning—You know how this moment will affect my eternal future. You know what my soul needs most. I’m so sorry. I’m prone to being self-indulgent when You call me to sacrificial love.
By Your grace and with Your help, I will trust that You always know and do what is best. Your Word says that You want me to have a future filled with hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) You want me to be with You forever in heaven. (John 14:3) You want me to have the peace that passes understanding. (Philippians 4:7) You want me to live with wisdom and understanding. (Ephesians 1:8) You want me to KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE You, and You promise to give me everything I need to make that a reality in my life.
So, Father, I surrender myself to You. With Your Spirit’s help, I will follow where You lead and do Your will as You reveal it to me. Help me live this promise – that I may live this day for Your glory. In the name of my Savior, Jesus. Amen.
Friend, the truth is . . . God’s love for us is so great and His grace is so sufficient that He offers freedom to tantrum-throwing spoiled children and waits patiently when we cry, “I don’t want to!”
But through it all, He never stops whispering, “Let it go. Trust me.“
What are you holding in a clenched fist? Are you ready to surrender it all to God?
As a little extra inspiration, I love this quote from Andrew Murray:
“May not a single moment of my life be spent outside the light, love, and joy of God’s presence and not a moment without the entire surrender of myself as a vessel for Him to fill full of His Spirit and His love.”
May God be with you and bless you as He gives you everything you need to surrender completely to His love.
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Surrendering my will to God doesn’t always come naturally, Deb, but it is the very best thing any of us can do.
Blessings and have a great weekend!
No, it doesn’t come easily but it is always best. When I remember that, it does get easier by His grace and with His help. May you enjoy a wonderful weekend, too!
Wow! Thank you.
Our wonderful, majestic God certainly has shown you your purpose, writing!
I love how I feel the good Lord is speaking to me through your posts. I read and save every one of them.
I felt compelled today to let you know how through your writing and insight, the grace of our Lord has lead me to the Bible daily, walked and held me in difficult times and has opened my eyes and heart to many blessings, even through the pain of grief. Surrendering is not giving up but giving it all to Him. Trusting ‘cause He knows better than I do what is needed.
Thank you Deb for hearing your calling and bringing glory to God. You are a blessing to this reader.
What a wonderful word of encouragement, Marilyn. Thank you so very much! I feel so very blessed to be able to do this and doubly blessed to have wonderful people like you visit and inspire me. God bless you!
Thank you, Deb, for being so honest, that indeed, surrendering is not always easy! So many times, I have let my anxiety and fear immobilize me, before I stop and remember “all His benefits!”
One of the verses that I always reach for is Psalm 138:8 “The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever…
And loved the beautiful and inspiring quote from Andrew Murray! It is a keeper for sure! Blessings for this reminder that surrender to God doesn’t mean defeat! It is the only way we win!
I love that, Kathy! “Surrender doesn’t mean defeat. It is the only way we win!” The victory is the Lord’s I am so glad He allows me to be in the vicinity when He does. Blessings and hugs!
Deb, Thank you for this powerful word of God.God I surrender to you all my debts, financial struggles and my desire to get a job.Nothing is hard for you.Amen
God bless you Deb.
Amen, Nancy! He is Lord of all. What a blessing to be able to trust His perfect unfailing love. May He be with you and bless you today and always.
Deb, beautiful and vulnerable – I was write there with you all the way! Oh unclench my fists Father – I surrender to you. Thank you!!!
Thanks much, Deborah! I truly appreciate your kindness. Blessings!
You managed yet again to put into words my feelings, struggles and life. I remember when there was a time that I thought a life of a believer being strawn with rose petals…after all, God takes over and all is well …until all hell broke lose. While I’m still not fully clear on surrender, – how do I know that I really let it go and gave it to the Lord, – as I’m growing older, starting to realize the benefits of the suffering, difficulties and battles. Though mostly I credited these things to my “stone head”. I never responded when Jesus called gently but always waited out the rod. Then I was angry with God that what kind of love is this that allows all this suffering?!
Your dear words reminded me of a quote from Oswald Chambers’ teaching that “God does not give us overcoming life–He gives us life as we overcome.”. By facing each difficulty, each struggle, coming to the end of ourselves and crying out to Him for help, He’s
growing and shaping us, almost invisibly.
I started to worry that if I continue with this pace, I’ll be 150 years old, asking God for an acception for the lenght of my life.
Thank you for your honesty, for the truth and encouragement my friend ????. Blessings
I love that Chambers’ quote. Yes, when our struggles send us running to the Lord we will have what we need to surrender and move forward each day. God bless you!