10 Positive What-if Questions that will Bless You and Give You Peace
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10 Positive What-if Questions that will Bless You and Give You Peace

How much time do you spend thinking about what-if questions? You know… What if I had done this? What if I hadn’t done that? What if I’d reacted sooner? What if I hadn’t posted this or reacted to that? It’s called “second guessing” and it’s defined as . . . criticizing or questioning someone or…

When You Need to Control Your Thoughts to Bless Your Life
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When You Need to Control Your Thoughts to Bless Your Life

There’s a saying out there that the average person has about 50,000 thoughts per day. Some say that number is too high. But many neuroscientists who have investigated the issue believe that most people have about 35 thoughts per minute, or one thought every other second. So assuming you take time for sleep … most…

How to Have a Positive Thinking Plan that will Bless Your Life
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How to Have a Positive Thinking Plan that will Bless Your Life

Nothing . . . absolutely nothing is ever accomplished through negativity! And yes, I said that negatively. It’s easy for us to see what’s wrong, isn’t it? It’s easy to make a list of flaws and faults we see in our neighbors, at church, at work, at our kid’s school, in our community and our…