When You Need to Know God’s Will for Today

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You have been given a gift of 24 hours. What does God want you to do with it? What is God's will for today?

Some days I get up and I’ll admit, I’m thinking big picture wondering what God wants me to do with however many years I have left? 

But most of the time, I just want to get through today. 

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24

Rejoice, be glad, and live today. 

Sounds simple, doesn’t it?

If only I could do that consistently. 

I worry about the mess I made yesterday and the possibilities of tomorrow even though Jesus said…

So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Matthew 6:34a

Did you know the verse before is the what we should do instead of worrying? And it’s my verse of the year…

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33

Seek God’s will for today and live! 

Why is that so much harder to do than it is to say? Because I’m prone to second-guessing yesterday and fretting about tomorrow. 

I want to do better. 

I want to seek God’s will and live today. 

That’s it! So, I’m fleshing it out and getting specific. 

When You Need to Know God’s Will for Today


You have been given a gift of 24 hours. What does God want you to do with it? What is God's will for today?

I need to start with the following… 

1. Let go of yesterday!

♥ Ask God to forgive my sins, failures, mistakes, and messes of the past.
♥ Forgive the people whose sins, failures, mistakes, and messes have hurt me.

I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. Philippians 3:13

On my own, whew, it’s hard to let go of yesterday … but with God’s help, I can do His will even when it’s hard. 

2. Don’t worry about tomorrow!

I know worry robs me of today’s peace and joy, and truthfully it doesn’t improve tomorrow at all! I can’t live today well if I’m fretting about tomorrow. 

“If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” ~ Roy T. Bennet

Okay – being free of guilt and worry is a great start… what else does God want for my day – today?

3. Love Him – Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength 

But what does that mean? How do I make that more than just words?

♥ Heart – I will make God my heart’s desire.
♥ Soul – I will trust God and surrender my will (attitudes and intentions), my emotions, my thoughts and feelings, and my body to the truth of His Word.
♥ Mind – I will use my knowledge, my reason, and intellect to know God better each day.
♥ Strength – I will honor God with my abilities, my resources, my service, and the way I love the people around me.

You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. Mark 12:30

4. Love Others

Love your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:27b

I believe God wants us to serve Him right where we are. That doesn’t me we can’t pursue new goals or move toward new opportunities.

But today…

You and I should simply do what He has given us to do. Be the best spouse, parent, child, coworker, neighbor, and citizen we can be. We’re not called to “do it all.” We’re called to do our best and love the people in front of us.

For me, that often has more to do with my attitude than my actions; so, I need to remember…

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Colossians 3:23

When You Need to Know God's Will for Today by Deb Wolf @ Counting My Blessings

And do it…

5. All with an Eternal Perspective

I believe keeping an eternal perspective is the hardest part because everything else is right in front of us. 

The messes I need to confess and forgive, the problems I worry about, the challenges that keep me from loving and serving well, and … well, you get the idea.

Life is hard! 

Which is why you and I need an eternal perspective.

Most of the hard things of life lose their power when I ask myself a few important questions:

Will this matter ten years from now?

Will I even remember next year?

What is God’s view of today’s trouble? How does He want to use this in my life?

What do I need to do to live this moment for God’s glory?

It’s funny my attitude changes when I turn my focus from the problem to the problem Solver – to God Himself.

Two verses keep running through my heart and my head. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5–6

Whatever this day brings, good, bad, or somewhere in between, I don’t have to face it alone. God invites you and me to trust Him, to turn to Him, to ask, seek, and knock. He knows the way. 

He is the way. He is eternal, the First and Last … the beginning and the end. And He’s given us a glimpse of His eternal plan so we can live today with His eternal perspective. 

You and I can live today without guilt – when we know we are forgiven; without resentment – when we forgive; without worry – when we trust God’s promises for the future; with love – when we focus on the love He gives us to share with others. 

It’s just a better way to live. 

Today is a new day. A beautiful gift. It holds 24 hours of opportunities, choices, and attitudes. God has given us everything we need to live it for Him. It is precious and full of hope and promise. 

I want to make today the best day possible; after all, it’s a one of a kind opportunity.  24 hours, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 breath receiving seconds. 

I want to live it for God and for His glory! 

I want to…

Love God and His people, all of them.

Know God and make Him known.

Trust Him, seek His will, and follow where He leads.

So, with His help, I will…

1. Repent and forgive.
2. Don’t worry.
3. Love God.
4. Love my people.
5. Keep an eternal perspective. 

That’s it! God’s will for today! 

What do you think? What is God’s will for living one day at a time?

Leave your prayer requests…

and stop to pray one or two of the requests listed.

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  1. Rodney Snellen says:

    Thank you for this site it’s been a blessing to me and my wife, adding to our daily devotional.
    I would appreciate if you would pray for my son Nick and his young family, he’s lost a very good job and needs employment soon
    Thank you

    1. Thank you, Rodney, your encouragement is so kind. I am stopping to pray for Nick and his family now. Asking God to point him to the job he has already prepared for him and that it will bless him in countless ways.

  2. Sunday’s sermon was all about ditching our worries and praying about everything instead. Your post here, Deb, is such a great reminder to live each day to the fullest, to the glory of God, knowing we can trust His path for our lives.

    1. Thank you, Martha! Your encouragement always makes my day! God bless you!!

  3. It’s interesting how often your posts reflect what is in my heart and on my mind. I see questions that I wrote in my journal yesterday! Living with a chronic illness and being bedbound for the most part makes wondering how to fill today an interesting challenge. I love what you wrote hear and really feel God giving me direction through these words. Thank you for being so transparent.

    1. Oh, Deni, thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. God is using you as you reach out online and share His love. Praying for you today!

  4. I love the Matthew verse, Deb. This is a post that always get my attention, I am always longing to be in the right place at the right time. Thank you for sharing!

    1. I know, Meghan! I just want to stay focused on God’s will and follow where He leads me today! To love Him and love others well. Whew, I fall so short but I believe with God’s help I will continue to do better. Thanks for your encouragement!

  5. This is so practical, Deb! This line really stood out to me: It’s funny my attitude changes when I turn my focus from the problem to the problem Solver – to God Himself. . . . Yes and amen! Thank you for this wonderful post!

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Stacey! Staying focused on God is my constant prayer, He puts everything else in perspective. I’ll never get it on my own but with His help, I believe, even this easily distracted mess can find peace one day at a time. God bless you!

  6. You picked one of my favorite verse to write about. Loved this post sharing on Pinterest.

  7. I’m in a situation, Deb, where I need to remember this. God has been convicting me about my focus and how it needs to stay on Him and the eternal, rather than on any momentary happiness or success. Thanks for this reminder, my friend! I’ve pinned and hope it encourages others!

    1. It’s a hard thing to remember, isn’t it Beth? Life is just soooo in our faces! I am learning to pray more intently and spend more time with the Lord, just asking Him to help me lean in and stay focused on Him. Thanks so much for your sweet encouragement. It blessed me!

  8. Letting go of my yesterdays have been a slower work in progress. These tips are so practical and relatable, Deb ! ” I want to make today the best day possible; after all, it’s a one of a kind opportunity. 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 breath receiving seconds. ”

    Tweeted and will be pinning this as well


    1. Thank you, Diana! I’ve wasted way too much time dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. I know I have to turn to God every day to minimize the power regret and worry can have over me. I’m so thankful He is faithful and that His truth consistently proves to be the best way. Blessings and hugs!!

  9. Thank you so much for your post on seeking God’s will for today!!! I have struggled so much with the issues you present in your article. As you suggest, I am trying to change my fear perspective to one of faith so I can live peacefully in TODAY, and the Bible verses you referenced are ones I turn to often in my spiritual journey. Some days are better than others, but, with God’s help, I am improving. Thank you again!!!

    1. Thanks, Barb! It is definitely a journey and I believe God will help us as we lean into Him and trust Him truths. God bless you!

  10. It’s so easy to want to know the future, what is mapped out for us, that we forget the day-to-day stuff. Thanks for reminding us how to pull ourselves back into today, that tomorrow will take care of itself.

    1. Thank you, Cindy! I really appreciate your kind encouragement. I’m working hard, with God’s help, to take life one day at a time.

  11. Kim Jolly says:

    Thank you for this timely post. I’m ever so slowly learning to how to be present in the present and to be fully attentive to what I’m doing (especially those mundane tasks of life), so that I’m available to experience God and to hear His still, small voice. It’s hard to get those ruts in my brain filled in–ruts that cause me to live in the past or worry about the future.



    1. I think it’s something many of us struggle with, Kim. I’m so glad this blessed you! Thank you for taking the time to leave your kind encouragement. God bless you!

  12. Fritz Chery says:

    We often forget these simple biblical truths in our day to day living. Thank you for the reminders. To be honest, the one verse I need to work on the most is Matthew 6:34. I tend to focus on worry which takes my focus off of God. God has to continually remind me of Scriptures such as this.

  13. myrna pritchett says:

    i enjoy your posts. i journal them.

  14. I am a great lover of the practical working out of my faith. This was a great reminder. I love that you “fleshed the thought out”. I’m also going to have to write out Mt 6:33-34. Thank you so much!

  15. The most wonderful, helpful teaching I’ve ever had. Thank you so much, you can’t know how much I needed this!! God is amazing!

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Sandy! Thank you much for taking the time to let me know. God be with you and bless you!

  16. Mary Nelson says:

    Hello Deb
    Thank you so much for this post, so wonderful and encouraging. To live each day in the moment and not be worried about our past mistakes or the future the perfect goal we all aim for I am sure. I have been Chronically unwell for around 36 years and being concerned for the future when I am getting older is something I try not to be but it is hard I have just reached retirement age, a barely leave my house as I regularly have blackouts due to my blood pressure suddenly dropping from unknown reason.
    Plus I have many other health issues, which cause me to need to spend much time resting. I am a generally a joyful soul and find time when resting to praise God , often reading your brilliant posts, once again thank you. However I can on occasion feel a little low , suffering greatly from fatigue because of my conditions I struggle with daily life and simply getting up out of bed sometimes makes me cry .
    I would appreciate your prayers. Blessings Mary

    1. Hi, Mary. I’m so sorry for your ongoing health struggles. It’s hard to live each day not feeling well. We are truly glad that you have joined us and thank you for your kind encouragement. It gives me joy to learn that someone has been blessed by their visits here. I am praying for you and asking the Lord to give you the strength and energy you need each day. And that He will fill you with His perfect peace. Blessings and hugs!