Blessing Counters Prayer Page

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and pray for your friends.

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answered your prayer and met your need.

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Pray for Others Here:

When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.
Request TitleSubmitted By# PrayersDate
GuidanceLinda Dean109-20-2024
I am contemplating a second hip surgery which if granted is likely to be more painful and require more healing time than the first surgery. As I am in pain each day, I am seeking guidance whether to accept my current physical state or to move ahead with a possible second surgery. Please pray that the Lord makes known to me what His will is. Thank you.
A successful interview and job procurement todayConstance Onyeani509-20-2024
Lord, I pray for a good rewarding job offer today for my son, Ike. May You speak through him throughout the interview today. We give You all the glory for answered prayers today. May Your will be done in his life and family.
so close to victory and freedomLaura Brautigam509-20-2024
Please pray that I will be able to work through my fears, knowing Jesus is right there with me. Thank you
God to bring back my fiancé Anonymous809-19-2024
My fiance and I were planning to get married in a few months. We live in different countries and I\'ve been planning to go and see him but I\'ve not been able to get a visa. Suddenly, he came up with a flimsy excuse to call everything off. This has left me heartbroken. I want God to restore our relationship and continue with our marriage plans.
Good Health for me & my husband.Give me good dedicated workers.dAnonymous709-18-2024
My husband & i have health issues.We need good workers to help manage our business. Show me the Way Lord How to Manage & take this Small business further.My Neighbour Always creates Big Problems for us.He is trying his Best To Close Our Daily Bread.( Source Of Income).He has assaulted us too.I ask for prayers in the Name Of Jesus..Amen
My debts to be be paid by December 3024, my business to prosper, Devine helpers to help fund my start up, my Son's brain to be restored to sanity as he no longer smokes weed but demands money from me and Hod to restore his confidence to look for a job and take away anger from the trauma of divorce, my X husband to be supportive to my Son and to stop misusing me by asking for money, the money owed to me by Sars to be released to me by end of October 3025
Lord grant me total healing from herpes
Marital Strife/GriefAnonymous809-17-2024
Please pray for my husband and I as we are grieving the loss of my son (his stepson) He resorts to alcohol to numb the pain, which causes him to be uncontrollably angry and verbally abusive. Without alcohol he is the most caring, thoughtful and kind human. I cannot emotionally handle his drunken rages. Please stand in agreement with me and ask our Lord to remove his desire for alcohol.
Let the LORD rekindle His fire in meAnonymous1109-16-2024
Let the LORD rekindle His fire in me
Son Leonard Sparks Irma Dozier 1509-15-2024
My son is bipolar and has a drinking problem. I need prayer for him that the Lord release him from these demons.

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