Promises That Will Give You Hope When You Need It Most
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Promises That Will Give You Hope When You Need It Most

Terrorism, politics, illness, heartbreak, loss, and pandemics… Sometimes this broken world feels like it’s too much … too painful. Too hard. Then I stop and remember Solomon’s words: History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new. Ecclesiastes 1:9 Nothing’s new. It’s all happened before. No, I’m…

When You Want Stronger Faith – Pray Jesus’ Truth
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When You Want Stronger Faith – Pray Jesus’ Truth

What do you do when life is uncertain and you are struggling with feelings of vulnerability? It’s interesting to be living at a time of collective uncertainty. But the truth is … everyone experiences that vulnerable feeling from time to time. I can’t tell you how often I’ve thought about the words spoken by the…

5 Verses to Pray When You are Afraid of the Unknown
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5 Verses to Pray When You are Afraid of the Unknown

It’s hard, isn’t it? Delving into the unknown. Waiting and wondering. At the moment, it’s hitting us all. People all over the world are watching and listening … uncertain about what the future will bring. It’s really no different than usual. It’s just that this time we have a common subject. But every day, all…

When You Need to Pray for Freedom and Happiness
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When You Need to Pray for Freedom and Happiness

Do you remember being a child and longing for the freedom you believed you’d finally have once you became an adult? Then you grew up and discovered that you enjoyed way more freedom as a child than you have now. There are more demands on your time, more expectations, more work … more everything. Freedom…

Celebrate Jesus, the One Who is the Great “I AM”
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Celebrate Jesus, the One Who is the Great “I AM”

I absolutely love John’s Gospel. In fact, I read it multiple times each year. And every time I do, I feel myself being wrapped in God’s love. In the beginning the Word already existed.    The Word was with God,    and the Word was God.He existed in the beginning with God.God created everything through Him,    and nothing was created…

What Gives You Hope When You Need It Most?
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What Gives You Hope When You Need It Most?

The dictionary defines “hope” as… To cherish a desire with anticipation: to want something to happen or be true – as in hope for a promotion or hope for things to go well. To trust. To desire with an expectation of obtaining, accomplishing, or fulfilling. To expect with confidence. So, of course, that made me wonder……

5 Prayers that will Strengthen You When You are Anxious and Afraid
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5 Prayers that will Strengthen You When You are Anxious and Afraid

Many of us have spent the week praying for hurting families in El Paso and Dayton while at the same time trying to get their heads around the unsettling feeling that the places we’ve always believed we were safe, may not be. It’s understandable that some of us are feeling anxious and afraid. In the…

5 Prayers that will Increase Your Faith When You are Worried
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5 Prayers that will Increase Your Faith When You are Worried

Why do I put myself out there week after week telling you about my struggle with worry and anxiety? Because I hated it! And if, by God’s grace, one or two of you might be spared the emotional, mental, and physical suffering that accompanies perpetual worry … I will shout my story from the rooftops….