Expectations, Miracles, and God in My Broken Places

Expectations, Miracles, and God in My Broken Places

I was once described as “unflappable.” Unflappable! Are you kidding? Not even close. Rev says I am, “Eight years ago when you sat in the Cardiac surgery waiting room not knowing whether I would live or die, you were unflappable.” “Maybe. But two years earlier I was undone. Broken.“ Then Rev reminds me, “It’s when we are undone that God is…

Favorite Quotes about Life, Hope, and Relying on God

C. S. Lewis published his first work in 1919 and went on to author more than 70 books the most famous being The Chronicles of Narnia and Mere Christianity. Countless Christians have been inspired by his life and writing. His quotes inspire me. Lewis knew life’s difficulties. His childhood faith rejected in college, describing himself as “the most…

15 Ways to Avoid Gossip and Be HAPPY
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15 Ways to Avoid Gossip and Be HAPPY

Gossip is anything said about someone to someone that isn’t loving and kind and that you wouldn’t say directly to the person about whom you’re talking. If you catch yourself participating in this—you are gossiping.  Gossip hurts. If you’ve ever been the victim of gossip you know it hurts. People gossip because of… Pride Envy Insecurity Resentment And…


25 Quotes I Promise Will Make You Feel Beautiful & Strong

I think women want beauty because deep down we believe no we know that beauty is power. It starts when we’re very little girls and continues throughout school. It doesn’t take us long to realize that pretty girls are able to manipulate teachers, parents, boys, and even the other girls. [Tweet “We learn that to not feel beautiful…