The Cure for Boredom

  “I’m Borrrrrred!” Two words that can strike fear in the hearts of parents all over the country. So, in the middle of summer vacation when boredom is popping up in communities from east to west, July is Anti-boredom Month. Boredom is an emotional state experienced when an individual is left without anything in particular…

Be Still – God is Still God

Quite a few years ago, when Rev was serving as a full-time pastor and a full-time consultant; he found himself working extremely long hours. One afternoon, a fellow church member called him and said, “The Lord laid it on my heart to call you and encourage you to read Psalm 46:10,”  Be still (cease striving) and know…

The Golden Rule – What If?

The Golden Rule What if  . . . we could consistently treat others the way we want them to treat us if we traded places. The person who is our: Friend Spouse Child Parent Grandparent Neighbor Teacher Student Employer Employee Server Garbage Collector Mail Carrier Salesperson Telemarketer Stranger Or the person who is: Physically Ill…

Weed Out Hate Day

It’s Weed Out Hate Day – How Will You Celebrate? I hate hate.  It’s defined as extreme aversion or hostility toward someone or something. Like love, hate is described as a feeling. Like love, hate is a choice. April 3rd is the day to “weed out hate, ” and sow seeds of peace and kindness. The Weed…

International Day of Happiness – 5 Sites to Make You Happy

My experience is that Christians talk more about joy than happiness, saying that happiness is circumstantial and joy comes from within. I won’t argue with that, but my concern is that many Christians share neither joy nor happiness. Too many people around the world define Christians as negative, rule-spouting, judgmental hypocrites. Ouch! It’s one of…