Positive Attitudes that will Help You Enjoy Peace Now
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Positive Attitudes that will Help You Enjoy Peace Now

Did you know having a positive attitude is essential for you to experience and enjoy peace? Grumpy people who are easily angered rarely have consistent peace. But even when we know it’s important to have a positive attitude, do we know what it takes to experience it? That connection between positivity and peace made me…

It’s Important To Pray For America’s Future & Faith
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It’s Important To Pray For America’s Future & Faith

Election Day is right around the corner. Many have voted already and more will vote on Tuesday. It feels like America’s future and faith are on the ballot because God’s children know that a nation’s future and faith are closely connected. David wrote… Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12 Why?…

Timely Verses to Pray When You Need Patience
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Timely Verses to Pray When You Need Patience

How’s it going? Do you need patience? How do you define what it means to be patient? Augustine said…  “Patience is the companion of wisdom.” The Dictionary defines it as: 1. The bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.2. The ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with a delay.3. Quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care;…

The Best Response To The Greatest Problems In the World
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The Best Response To The Greatest Problems In the World

What is the greatest problem in the world today? What do you believe? What do you think? I did a little research and found the following list of the world’s greatest problems. It’s a list that may or may not include the things that concern you. It can feel like today’s problems are worse than ever but…

It’s Important to Be Still & Let God Be God Today
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It’s Important to Be Still & Let God Be God Today

What does it mean to you to “let God be God?” Years ago, there was a season when Rev served as a full-time pastor and a full-time fund-raising and stewardship consultant besides being an actively involved husband and father. Needless to say, he found himself working extremely long hours. One afternoon, an older church member…

It’s Useful to Understand What It Means to Be Righteous
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It’s Useful to Understand What It Means to Be Righteous

Do you know what it means to be righteous? The Urban Dictionary defines it as: The American Heritage Dictionary says it means: And finally, the Biblical defines righteousness as: Psalm 111 says… How amazing are the deeds of the Lord!    All who delight in Him should ponder them.Everything He does reveals His glory and majesty.    His righteousness never…