Need Help? Trust the One You Can Always Rely On
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Need Help? Trust the One You Can Always Rely On

According to an article written in Psychology Today, almost 10 years ago, more than 417,000 self-help books had been published at that time. And that number has skyrocketed since then. Everyone is fighting some kind of battle. Relationship conflicts, work challenges, financial problems, health struggles, and self-defeating thoughts and behaviors . . . top the…

How to Fight Your Battles with the Blessing of Divine Power
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How to Fight Your Battles with the Blessing of Divine Power

When I learned the four personality types, the Apostle Paul was given as an example of the Choleric Personality. Choleric individuals are often described as bossy-born leaders, dynamic and confident hard workers with independent confident attitudes that refuse to give up. We get that description of Paul from his letters but what about the people…

How the Joy of Being a Cheerful Giver Can Change Your Life
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How the Joy of Being a Cheerful Giver Can Change Your Life

A pastor friend of ours shared an interaction he’d had with a member following one of his weekend messages. He was in the middle of a six-week sermon series on handling life issues from a godly perspective. This friend had shared what God’s Word said about health, nutrition, entertainment, and even sex. But it was…

Feel Fragile? You can Have the Treasure that Gives Power Every Day
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Feel Fragile? You can Have the Treasure that Gives Power Every Day

A number of years ago, we ordered a large rather expensive mirror. It was delivered a few days later and left at our front door. The first thing we noticed was that it was covered with stickers warning: Fragile! Handle with Care! So, Rev and I joined together to carefully pick up the box. Unfortunately,…

How to Experience the Good News that will Give You Life and Freedom
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How to Experience the Good News that will Give You Life and Freedom

Rules, rules, and more rules. Interestingly, rules and laws always lead to more and more rules and laws. New ones need to be created to “clarify” the originals. As soon as one law gets passed, people begin to look for loopholes that then, need to be closed by (you guessed it!) more laws. Rev once…

How You Can Believe that You Have Been Given Victory Through Jesus
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How You Can Believe that You Have Been Given Victory Through Jesus

I have to be careful how much I allow myself to watch the news. You see, I’ve always been an emotion just under the surface kind of person. It doesn’t take much for my “feelings” to influence my mood. And of course, the news likes to promote sensationalism. What’s the saying? “If it bleeds, it…

The One Important Worship Truth Every Church Needs to Follow
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The One Important Worship Truth Every Church Needs to Follow

I sometimes wonder what it must have been like for someone to belong to that church in Corinth. Sometimes it seems like their gatherings got a little unmanageable. Remember . . . these last chapters in this first letter to the Corinthians contain Paul’s responses to questions they have asked. He talked about marriage and…

Why It’s Important to Know and Celebrate that God’s Gifts are Equal
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Why It’s Important to Know and Celebrate that God’s Gifts are Equal

“All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.” What? If some are “more equal” then there is no equality. This famous quote from George Orwell’s book, Animal Farm has been repeated often and if you’ve never read it, you should . . . it tells us much about our sinful human…