The Faith that Inspired People to Follow Jesus Immediately
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The Faith that Inspired People to Follow Jesus Immediately

Have you ever wondered what inspired the disciples to follow Jesus’ invitation immediately? Have you thought about how their families and friends reacted? Peter, Andrew, James, and John were fishermen, and Matthew was a tax collector. We don’t know about the professions of the others but we are told that they all left everything to…

You Need The Truth About Jesus the Word & Self-Sufficiency
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You Need The Truth About Jesus the Word & Self-Sufficiency

What does knowing Jesus, the Word Made Flesh, have to do with self-sufficiency? I sometimes wonder if I would have been a follower of Jesus 2,000 years ago or if I would have aligned with the self-sufficient self-righteous Pharisees. John’s words challenge me and make me suspect the latter… He came into the very world…

How to Make New Year’s Resolutions You Will Keep
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How to Make New Year’s Resolutions You Will Keep

Are you making New Year’s Resolutions this year? Are they new for 2025 or the same resolutions you’ve started on January 1st every year for as long as you can remember? Ten years ago, the Most Common New Year’s Resolutions were: 1. Quit Smoking2. Exercise3. Lose Weight4. Enjoy Life More5. Quit Drinking6. Organize7. Learn Something…

Beautiful Christmas Blessings to Share with Friends
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Beautiful Christmas Blessings to Share with Friends

Christmas Blessings, Friends!! It’s time to celebrate Jesus, the best gift ever given. May these verses, quotes, and prayers encourage you and help you remember that even if your day doesn’t look like you wanted … the Lord of the universe left the glories of heaven because He loves you more than you can imagine….

You Need To Pause for Authentic Stillness and Peace
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You Need To Pause for Authentic Stillness and Peace

I’m not a fan of cold weather, but one thing I love about a cold winter night is the stillness and peace. It’s hard to find a moment of either at this time of year. Between shopping, wrapping, cooking, church and school activities, holiday get-togethers, and random unexpected appointments … oh my, stillness and peace…

How to Make Joy the Best Response To Hard Questions
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How to Make Joy the Best Response To Hard Questions

Everyone has them. These are the hard questions that are difficult to answer. Inquiries that most people answer easily but that you find personally painful. Questions like… The Christmas season is called the most wonderful time of the year, but many find that these inquiring conversation starters are painful reminders of someone or something they lost or long…

How to Have Hope Even When Your Heart Hurts
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How to Have Hope Even When Your Heart Hurts

Do you ever have trouble expressing your emotions? Is it hard for you to share your feelings when your heart hurts? It can be especially hard to deal with sadness during the holidays. There seems to be the unspoken message that we’re all supposed to be filled with peace, joy, and twinkle lights. But many…

How To Love Your Family Even When They’re Obnoxious
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How To Love Your Family Even When They’re Obnoxious

Everyone has at least one relative who makes the holidays difficult for everyone else. Jesus told us, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” That includes “love your family.” Sometimes the most difficult people to love are the ones to whom we’re related. Most Americans will gather with their families later today or tomorrow to…

Why I Believe It’s Important to SEEK Bible Truth
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Why I Believe It’s Important to SEEK Bible Truth

I recently received the following comment on a post about SEEKing God through Bible TRUTH and prayer… “Seeking an imaginary deity is reaching for a state of delusion.” A few months ago, the same individual left this… “Reading what ancient charlatans invented is a waste of time. You will learn nothing.” His attitude is nothing…

7 Powerful Promises That Will Help When You Need Strength
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7 Powerful Promises That Will Help When You Need Strength

Promises are only as good as the integrity of the one who makes them and they only become powerful promises if the recipient confidently trusts that integrity. David wrote… For Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. You rule throughout all generations. The Lord always keeps His promises; He is gracious in all He does. Psalm 145:13 Because of the…

The Best Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving Every Day
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The Best Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving Every Day

I did a quick internet search for Thanksgiving photos and couldn’t find one that didn’t include a holiday feast or pumpkins, gourds, and colorful falling leaves. How do you traditionally celebrate Thanksgiving at your house? I love traditional Thanksgiving meals as much as the next person. I have a stuffing recipe made with brioche bread,…

It’s Amazing How Grateful Living Makes You Healthier
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It’s Amazing How Grateful Living Makes You Healthier

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” ~William Arthur Ward Did you know that grateful living can make you healthier? I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. Medical professionals have known the connection between our minds and bodies for years. An article from the Mayo…