How Comparison and Blame will Steal Your Peace and Joy
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How Comparison and Blame will Steal Your Peace and Joy

Have you ever heard someone blame Adam and Eve for the pain and problems of this sinful world? It’s what we do, isn’t it? We blame. Eve blamed the “serpent” and Adam blamed “the woman [God] gave [him].” (Genesis 3:12–13) We’re always tempted to play the blame game saying, “I’m not guilty. I’m a victim….

Why You Need to Know What You Really Believe
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Why You Need to Know What You Really Believe

The American Worldview Inventory 2020 (AWVI) is an annual survey that estimates how many adults have a biblical worldview. (AWVI 2020 was undertaken in January 2020 among a nationally representative sample of 2,000 adults.) In the latest findings from the American Worldview Inventory 2020 is that a majority of people who describe themselves as Christian…

When You Need to Know that for God Anything is Possible
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When You Need to Know that for God Anything is Possible

It seems that so many of the people I talk with lately are overwhelmed with feelings of frustration and discouragement. They feel like they’ve been praying for months or longer and their waiting never seems to end. And that’s just addressing the current year’s problems. Many of us have things we’ve prayed about for years…

The Best Way to Make the Most of Simplify Your Life Week
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The Best Way to Make the Most of Simplify Your Life Week

The first week in August is Simplify Your Life Week. Simplify Your Life Week is observed during [the first week of] August each year. This holiday encourages those who need to refocus their lives and declutter – that doesn’t just mean objects. The idea is to eliminate anything that causes stress or anxiety. Most of us…