The Important Truth You Need to Know About the Law and Gospel
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The Important Truth You Need to Know About the Law and Gospel

Have you noticed culture is trying to eliminate the word “sin” from the public forum? There appears to be an effort to remove the idea of an absolute religious or moral law; therefore, making it possible for everyone to determine for themselves what is right or wrong. And many Christians avoid talking about sin for…

5 Ways God Will Help You Do the Things You Think are Impossible
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5 Ways God Will Help You Do the Things You Think are Impossible

When was the last time you said… “Well, that’s easier said than done?” Okay, maybe you haven’t said the words out loud but I’ll bet you’ve thought them. Especially when you’ve gotten advice like: “I know you’re hurt but God wants you to just forgive and forget.” “You know you need to find a higher…

How You Can Know The Best News Ever and Change Your Life
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How You Can Know The Best News Ever and Change Your Life

What’s the best news you’ve ever gotten? A dream job offer? A marriage proposal? A positive pregnancy test? A call from the adoption agency? An accepted home offer? A college admission letter? __________? There are two main teachings in the Bible. And Paul uses the early chapters of Romans to emphasize both. Yesterday we focused…

Why It’s Important to Know About Both God’s Judgment and Jesus’ Love
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Why It’s Important to Know About Both God’s Judgment and Jesus’ Love

How often does you pastor preach about the consequences of sin and the importance of obedience? When I was growing up, our pastor used to preach long messages. At one point, my dad, who was a personal friend of his, teased him about the fact that they seemed to be getting even longer. Our pastor…

Feel Forsaken? Know that God Can Do the Impossible with the Improbable
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Feel Forsaken? Know that God Can Do the Impossible with the Improbable

Do you know anyone who has been rejected by family or friends because of their faith? Maybe you’re the one who is considered “weird” or overboard because you take God at His Word and trust His promises. Do you feel forsaken Alone? Many Bible scholars believe that when Paul, a Pharisee and “Jew among Jews,”…

Why It’s Important to Tell People What You Have Seen and Heard
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Why It’s Important to Tell People What You Have Seen and Heard

At the top of a list of “worst things to discuss in public” you’ll find, money, religion, sex, and politics And in our current politically correct society some would say that even mentioning those topics is argumentative and hateful. If we’re to avoid talking about religion . . . what about faith? Everyone has faith in something…

How to Experience the Peace and Hope of an Eternal Perspective
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How to Experience the Peace and Hope of an Eternal Perspective

I hate “good-byes.” They can be horribly painful especially if we believe we may never see that person again. The Apostle Paul told the people in Ephesus: Now I am bound by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem. I don’t know what awaits me,  except that the Holy Spirit tells me in city after city that jail…

Why It’s Important to Search the Scriptures to Know the Truth
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Why It’s Important to Search the Scriptures to Know the Truth

We used to live near a “Berean” church. And Rev and I think it’s was one of the best names ever for a Christian church. Here’s why: The people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if…

How You Can Humbly Live to Show Everyone Nobody but Jesus
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How You Can Humbly Live to Show Everyone Nobody but Jesus

Have you ever wanted to be famous? Do you long to be “known” and popular? Have you ever been tempted to do a little “name dropping” so you could tag along on the celebrity recognition ride? Luke wrote the following near the beginning of his Gospel: Having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I also…

Why It’s Important for All Churches to Love People Not Burden Them
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Why It’s Important for All Churches to Love People Not Burden Them

It was a clash of two completely different cultures that first presented a huge challenge to the early church. Gentiles (non-Jews) were putting their faith in Christ Jesus in large numbers. And many Jewish Christians were willing to welcome them into the church but only after the Gentiles conformed to their legalistic religious traditions and…