The Best Way to Make the Most of Simplify Your Life Week
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The Best Way to Make the Most of Simplify Your Life Week

The first week in August is Simplify Your Life Week. Simplify Your Life Week is observed during [the first week of] August each year. This holiday encourages those who need to refocus their lives and declutter – that doesn’t just mean objects. The idea is to eliminate anything that causes stress or anxiety. Most of us…

5 Promises to Pray That Will Help When You are Grieving
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5 Promises to Pray That Will Help When You are Grieving

It seems like everywhere I look, friends and family . . . even complete strangers are overwhelmed by grief. Covid and chaos have caused us to lose loved ones, jobs, and financial security. Isolation and emotional stress has broken relationships, worsened depression, and increased substance abuse. The list of reasons people are grieving is growing…

“As You Wish” – Powerful Words that will Bless Your Prayer Life

“As You Wish” – Powerful Words that will Bless Your Prayer Life

All over the world, there are people going through difficult and heartbreaking circumstances. Countless individuals who have prayed and prayed, waiting for God to move on their need . . . waiting and wondering if this time He might actually allow the unimaginable. Maybe you’ve been there. Maybe you’re there now. You can’t find a…

Gossip Hurts – The Best Ways to Avoid Its Damage
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Gossip Hurts – The Best Ways to Avoid Its Damage

I found several definitions for gossip: Casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true. A rumor or report of an intimate nature. Conversations or reports about other people’s private lives that might be unkind, disapproving, or not true. And it’s everywhere, isn’t it? We…

Promises That Will Give You Hope When You Need It Most
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Promises That Will Give You Hope When You Need It Most

Terrorism, politics, illness, heartbreak, loss, and pandemics… Sometimes this broken world feels like it’s too much … too painful. Too hard. Then I stop and remember Solomon’s words: History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new. Ecclesiastes 1:9 Nothing’s new. It’s all happened before. No, I’m…

When You Need to Control Your Thoughts to Bless Your Life
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When You Need to Control Your Thoughts to Bless Your Life

There’s a saying out there that the average person has about 50,000 thoughts per day. Some say that number is too high. But many neuroscientists who have investigated the issue believe that most people have about 35 thoughts per minute, or one thought every other second. So assuming you take time for sleep … most…