Search Results for: Jesus is truth

Why It’s Important to Know the Absolute from the Twisted Truth
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Why It’s Important to Know the Absolute from the Twisted Truth

It is often much easier to identify an outright lie than a twisted truth. A twisted truth sounds true . . . almost. But that “almost” can result in a terrible distortion of the complete truth. It was a twisted truth that caused the Apostle Paul to write his letter to the Christians in Galatia….

Why You Need to Know Nothing You Do for Jesus is Unimportant
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Why You Need to Know Nothing You Do for Jesus is Unimportant

Do you ever feel like the things you are doing or that you have done to serve Jesus aren’t making a difference? Paul wrote: My dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. 1 Corinthians 15:58…

How You Can Believe that You Have Been Given Victory Through Jesus
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How You Can Believe that You Have Been Given Victory Through Jesus

I have to be careful how much I allow myself to watch the news. You see, I’ve always been an emotion just under the surface kind of person. It doesn’t take much for my “feelings” to influence my mood. And of course, the news likes to promote sensationalism. What’s the saying? “If it bleeds, it…

The One Important Worship Truth Every Church Needs to Follow
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The One Important Worship Truth Every Church Needs to Follow

I sometimes wonder what it must have been like for someone to belong to that church in Corinth. Sometimes it seems like their gatherings got a little unmanageable. Remember . . . these last chapters in this first letter to the Corinthians contain Paul’s responses to questions they have asked. He talked about marriage and…

Why It’s Good to Be Friends with People Who Don’t Believe in Jesus
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Why It’s Good to Be Friends with People Who Don’t Believe in Jesus

How much time do you spend investing in relationships with unbelievers? Historically, there have been some groups of Christians that have chosen to create their own exclusive communities to remain isolated from the “influence of the world”—people who choose not to be friends with people outside of their faith community. In 1 Corinthians 5, the…

The Important Truth You Need to Know About the Law and Gospel
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The Important Truth You Need to Know About the Law and Gospel

Have you noticed culture is trying to eliminate the word “sin” from the public forum? There appears to be an effort to remove the idea of an absolute religious or moral law; therefore, making it possible for everyone to determine for themselves what is right or wrong. And many Christians avoid talking about sin for…

Why It’s Important to Know About Both God’s Judgment and Jesus’ Love
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Why It’s Important to Know About Both God’s Judgment and Jesus’ Love

How often does you pastor preach about the consequences of sin and the importance of obedience? When I was growing up, our pastor used to preach long messages. At one point, my dad, who was a personal friend of his, teased him about the fact that they seemed to be getting even longer. Our pastor…

Why It’s Important to Search the Scriptures to Know the Truth
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Why It’s Important to Search the Scriptures to Know the Truth

We used to live near a “Berean” church. And Rev and I think it’s was one of the best names ever for a Christian church. Here’s why: The people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if…

How You Can Humbly Live to Show Everyone Nobody but Jesus
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How You Can Humbly Live to Show Everyone Nobody but Jesus

Have you ever wanted to be famous? Do you long to be “known” and popular? Have you ever been tempted to do a little “name dropping” so you could tag along on the celebrity recognition ride? Luke wrote the following near the beginning of his Gospel: Having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I also…

How Jesus’ Love Has the Power to Defeat Division and Remove Labels
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How Jesus’ Love Has the Power to Defeat Division and Remove Labels

Nazis. There’s a good reason that word causes a sickening reaction. In fact, it has become even more apparent lately that if someone wants to cast an individual or group in the worst possible light . . . that’s the word label to apply. Romans. In New Testament times, the word “Roman” would have caused…

How You Can Have Strength in Jesus When You are Afraid of Persecution
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How You Can Have Strength in Jesus When You are Afraid of Persecution

Do you ever worry that there is an effort to silence Christians through various forms of persecution? After a year where the churches were closed and statements of faith being declared hate speech and people being taken off social media for presenting Biblical truths . . . it’s hard not to wonder where our nation…

3 Ways to Know You Believe That Jesus Saved You
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3 Ways to Know You Believe That Jesus Saved You

Nicodemus came under a cover of darkness. He wanted to know more about Jesus. His Pharisaical peers were quickly making up their minds and rejecting the Rabbi but Nicodemus wanted to examine the Man and His teaching personally. Jesus used the opportunity to teach Nicodemus several truths that have been foundational to our faith ever…