How to Seek the Truth & Avoid Being Foolish
The Spirit inspired two identical Psalms telling us that only those who say, “there is no God” are foolish. How can we avoid being foolish? God’s Word tells us to SEEK the Truth and Know God’s love.
The Spirit inspired two identical Psalms telling us that only those who say, “there is no God” are foolish. How can we avoid being foolish? God’s Word tells us to SEEK the Truth and Know God’s love.
It has happened to everyone. People betray and they have betrayed each other since sin entered our world. I did a little digging and discovered the word betrayal can mean many any of the following: It appears that we use the word to cover a broad spectrum of circumstances . . . some momentarily unpleasant…
David was guilty of pride, sexual sin, and murder. He was guilty and he knew he was guilty. Psalm 51 shares David’s words of repentance. No excuses. No blame. Just a sorrowful confession of guilt and a plea for forgiveness. Have mercy on me, O God, because of Your unfailing love.Because of Your great compassion, blot out…
God, the Mighty One, is the source of all wisdom and power. He rules over all He has made . . . and He has something to say. He has a warning for His creation. Through the words of Psalm 50, God wants people to know that He is paying attention and He has made…
Listen to this, all you people! Pay attention, everyone in the world!High and low, rich and poor—listen! Psalm 49:1–2 God inspired the writer of this Psalm to begin by saying… This is important! Pay attention! What is it that God wants us to KNOW? That worldliness is futile! He wants us to KNOW that power, possessions, and…
The Bible tells us that God is great but what exactly does that mean? Do we use the word great so frequently that it has lost some of its important meaning? Let’s talk…
I read and reread the words of Psalm 47 and I stared at the page and labored over what to write. Finally, I walked away and started a pot of soup for dinner. As I chopped vegetables and stirred ingredients . . . I paused to pray and ask the Lord to guide me and…
So many feel that we are currently living in troubled times. But even in the face when we are faced with impossible problems we can be confident that God is with us and able to save us.
Do you love weddings? Many of us love the beauty of the celebration and festivities but… It’s easy to get caught up in the presentation and neglect the purpose and the promise. Most theologians believe that Psalm 45 was written for King Solomon’s wedding. However, over the years it has come to be known as…
I wonder how many of us are more like Veruca Salt than we care to admit. Remember her . . . she’s the character in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory who sang… I Want It Now I want the world. I want the whole world…I want the worksI want the whole worksPresents and prizes…
When I read false accusations about the things some say Christians believe, I typically think . . . no one asked me. Here are some of the things the internet shares about Christians… And as I thought about that list, I realized Solomon really was right… History merely repeats itself. It has all been done…
What do you do when you’re discouraged? It can be easy to sit in discouragement but what if there’s a better way? What if there’s a way to be encouraged and live with joy?
I’m often stunned by God’s perfect timing and it happened again today. It’s Good Friday. The day we remember Christ’s suffering and death. Yesterday was what we call, Maundy Thursday, the day we remember Him washing His disciple’s feet and teaching them a way to remember what He was about to do through participation in…
When you find yourself in a pit of despair, it’s hard to wait patiently. Join us to learn about 5 things you can do when your heart is overwhelmed and you need God’s help.
Have you ever said or done something that made you feel so ashamed you felt sick inside? Maybe you were a child, a teen, a young adult . . . or maybe it was more recent than that. Our sinful failures can cause mental and physical suffering. David wrote… My guilt overwhelms me— it is a…
I have to admit, I felt convicted by David’s words in Psalm 39. I said to myself, “I will watch what I do and not sin in what I say.I will hold my tongue when the ungodly are around me.”But as I stood there in silence— not even speaking of good things— the turmoil within me grew worse. Psalm…
What does it mean to take “delight” in the Lord? David wrote… Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires. Psalm 37:4 The Life Application Bible notes say… “To delight in someone means to experience great pleasure and joy in his or her presence.” And I found the following synonyms for the…
There are spiritual battles raging in and around the hearts and minds of individuals everywhere. It’s nothing new. David wrote about it thousands of years ago… Sin speaks to the sinful man within his heart. There is no fear of God in his eyes. For he makes much of himself in his own eyes. So his…
I wonder, are we quick to believe what’s unjust and untrue? A dozen years ago, I traveled to Bolivia with a team of bloggers to share stories about the ministry of World Vision. Although many moments touched my heart, there was one specific afternoon that made me think about mirrors, comparisons, judgments, and the way…
“Taste and see how gracious the Lord is.” Psalm 34:8 (GNV) I can’t read that verse without hearing a melody . . . the one that my vocal coach taught me so I could sing those words for vocal warmups. I love the way the Life Application Bible notes explain them: “Taste and see” does…
Do you trust easily or does your trust have to be earned? I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt and trust easily but if that trust is broken . . . well, let’s just say I’m much more cautious after that. My family knows that nothing upsets me more quickly or deeply…