This is Unconditional Help for the One With Needs
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This is Unconditional Help for the One With Needs

This is unconditional help for the one who… This is unconditional help for the one who… This is unconditional help for the… This is… Verses and prayers of God’s overwhelming love and unconditional help. 5 Verses to Pray…God’s Overwhelming Love and Unconditional Help John Bunyan wrote… “No child of God sins to that degree as…

Your Hidden Emotional Scars Need Reliable Healing Power
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Your Hidden Emotional Scars Need Reliable Healing Power

If you look at my hands closely you’ll see scratches, puppy nips, a few age spots, and a few scars. Those are visible reminders of past events. What you won’t see are the scars on my heart from loss, lies, accusations, betrayal, and rejection. Those are the emotional scars I tend to keep to myself. Why?…

7 Important Qualities Found In Someone Who Has Integrity
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7 Important Qualities Found In Someone Who Has Integrity

If I asked you to think of someone who has integrity, would it take a minute or two … or would a face and name come to mind immediately? Wikipedia defines integrity as… The quality of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. And says… Someone who…

5 Amazing Verses That Will Help You Embrace Grace
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5 Amazing Verses That Will Help You Embrace Grace

What is grace and what does it mean to embrace grace? Max Lucado wrote… God answers the mess of life with one word, “Grace.” I’ve often heard it said that grace is God’s “undeserved favor.” I typically share the following definitions for grace and mercy… And one more says… For Christians, grace is the free…

Why Jesus’ Resurrection Offers Truth and Life Forever
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Why Jesus’ Resurrection Offers Truth and Life Forever

We love celebrating Jesus’ resurrection but there’s a part of us that wants to look away when it comes to the Lord’s suffering and death. We don’t want to see ourselves running away in fear with the disciples. We don’t want to see ourselves standing in the crowd shouting, “Crucify Him.” We don’t want to…

A Look At The Truth About The Problem With Pride
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A Look At The Truth About The Problem With Pride

You’ve heard the saying, “Pride comes before the fall.” And that’s what I thought it was … a saying our mothers told us to try to keep us humble. But as Rev would say, “That’s downright Biblical.” Solomon wrote… Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. Proverbs 16:18 What exactly is pride? What…

When You Need Someone to Fix Life’s Big Problems
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When You Need Someone to Fix Life’s Big Problems

I’m a problem solver. I love finding solutions and fixing problems. I’m entertained by puzzles and creating ways to resolve dilemmas. Until I can’t. The truth is that many of life’s big problems can’t be fixed. There are times when our feeble human efforts simply aren’t enough. Times when our worlds are shaken by things…