25 Quotes that will Inspire You to be Passionately Positive

25 Quotes that will Inspire You to be Passionately Positive

  Don’t you love joyful, passionately positive people? No, not those who are over the top and fake, but… The ones who live with enthusiasm, look for joy, pursue their dreams, and refuse to focus on what isn’t while working toward possibilities. Most people choose friends who love life and are fun to be around; so,…

5 Verses & Prayers that will Help You Trust God More
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5 Verses & Prayers that will Help You Trust God More

When I’m struggling. When I don’t know what to do next. When I’m anxious about the path God is placing before me . . . I go to the Psalms. Because David penned words there that are raw and honest. It almost feels like I’m getting a peek at his personal journal. “Lord, I’m afraid….

How to Bless Your Relationships from A to Z
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How to Bless Your Relationships from A to Z

We live together, work together, study together, play together, and worship together. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone was easy? If people were always pleasant, helpful, and encouraging, appreciative, forgiving and fun. But relationships are complicated and even those we love the most drive us crazy at times. And although you can’t change the people…

Good Friends Talk Faith, Inspiration, and Life Verses
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Good Friends Talk Faith, Inspiration, and Life Verses

I didn’t choose my life verse. It chose me. And then a few years later, it chose Rev too. Psalm 73:26 literally jumped off the page as I sat reading my Bible with a crumpled and defeated heart. Physically I was fine but emotionally I was wrecked. Then just a couple of years later, Rev’s…

25 Promises – God is Worthy of All Worship
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25 Promises – God is Worthy of All Worship

In response to Satan offering Him everything in the world for His worship, Jesus replied, ” Get out of here, Satan,” Jesus told him. “For the Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God     and serve only Him. Matthew 4:10 Who is this God you and I worship? The “I AM.” The One who…