Live Your Faith, Have More Fun, & Be Happy Now
Sadly, many people would not describe Christians as being fun. What can you and I do to live our faith and still have more fun to show people the blessing of knowing, loving, and trusting Jesus?
Sadly, many people would not describe Christians as being fun. What can you and I do to live our faith and still have more fun to show people the blessing of knowing, loving, and trusting Jesus?
The best thing we can teach the next generation is how to live our their God-given purpose with peace. Let’s look at how to know that purpose and pursue it with hope and confidence.
One truth about grief is that when we plant tears in the soil of Gods’ grace He will make it possible for us to harvest faith, hope, and love with shouts of joy. Join us to learn 3 more…
We’re born with a need to feel safe and secure and it’s something we continue to need throughout our lives. There is only one way in an ever-changing world to be confident that the future is certain.
When life is hard it’s easy to start asking … what-if questions. What if God hadn’t allowed this? What if she hadn’t done that?What if I hadn’t listened to him? What if I had been more careful? When was the last time you asked what-if questions because all was well and you were safe and…
We call them haters. People who find it socially rewarding to go after people with whom they disagree. How should we respond? Reply in anger or pray for haters and give it to God?
Living out our faith with friends leads to the kind of peace that surrounds and strengthens when health fails, justice can’t be found, needs overwhelm, and danger threatens.
There will always be things that make us anxious and afraid. So where do you go for help when you need help to be live without fear? There seem to be many options but only removes fear.
Lying seems to be an accepted part of life but God’s Word is clear … God hates lying. So, we’re talking about ways we can reject lies and speak the truth in love with gentleness and respect.
There are two simple verses in Psalm 119 that give us the truth we need to live a transformed life of faith and have everything we need today, tomorrow, and always.
What does it mean to live by faith? Can living by faith make a difference when life is hard? We’re taking a closer look at what it means and how it can help and we’d love for you to join us.
There’s a saying that goes, “God is good all the time. All the time God is good.” But how can we know for sure that God is good when we live in a world that seems unfair and unjust. We taste and see.
What do you need to live with joy? It’s so easy to look for joy in what the world offers but what if true joy can only be found in knowing, trusting, and obeying God’s will?
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 118:1 That is TRUTH but the enemy constantly lies and tells us that God is holding out on us and that we can’t trust His love. We live in a world where love can be selfish … where the recipient dictates the…
Psalm 117 is only two verses long. It’s short. Easy to memorize. Right in the center of the Bible. And it sums up one of the most important truths we need to remember about God.
When faced with a life threatening situation, we can run to God praying, “Lord spare us.” We can trust His to lovingly answer our prayer with His best for us. Here are a couple of examples…
The Bible says, “Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.” What does it mean to give God glory? How do you live for God’s glory? We’re taking a closer look to apply God’s Word to our lives.
God is the Creator of the world and He is able to sustain it for as long as He chooses. Until that time, He has assigned us with the task of caring for it as good stewards of of a precious gift.
Think about it the Creator of the universe not only cares about the big picture, God cares about the details. And He cares about the big & small things of our lives. However great our need—He cares!
Prosperity theology is a tempting way to attract people to religion but God’s eternal promises are the only thing we can trust to draw us to the blessings of true faith, eternal hope, & perfect love.
Do you want wisdom? What exactly is wisdom? The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Join us as we look closely at the who, what, why, and how of that Biblical truth.