What Gives You Hope When You Need It Most?
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What Gives You Hope When You Need It Most?

The dictionary defines “hope” as… To cherish a desire with anticipation: to want something to happen or be true – as in hope for a promotion or hope for things to go well. To trust. To desire with an expectation of obtaining, accomplishing, or fulfilling. To expect with confidence. So, of course, that made me wonder……

5 Verses to Pray that will Help You Fight Your Spiritual Battles
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5 Verses to Pray that will Help You Fight Your Spiritual Battles

I always believed there would be a point in my life when I would anticipate and be ready for life’s inevitable spiritual battles. But unfortunately, there are still times when they catch me by surprise and I’m unprepared. Honestly, I’m most susceptible after a period of smooth sailing or an awesome mountaintop high. It seems…