How Having the “Fear of the Lord” Will Bless You Every Day
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How Having the “Fear of the Lord” Will Bless You Every Day

Both David and his son, Solomon wrote: Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. Psalm 111:10 and Proverbs 9:10 Solomon also wrote that the “fear of the Lord” led to: True Knowledge (Proverbs 1:7) Understanding (Proverbs 2) Life (Proverbs 19:23) And Luke wrote in the Book of Acts: The church had peace . . . and it became stronger as…

4 Perfectly Practical Ways to Talk About God and Faith
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4 Perfectly Practical Ways to Talk About God and Faith

It happened many years ago, but I can still remember it like it was yesterday. I was in an intense discussion about God’s characteristics and qualities. As a long-time student of the Bible, I was passionate about the information and faith that inspired my side of the conversation, and that passion led to me proclaim,…

5 Verses that will Help You Experience Peace and Soul Satisfaction
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5 Verses that will Help You Experience Peace and Soul Satisfaction

Is your soul satisfied? Let me ask another way, “Is it well with your soul?” If we want to know if our souls are satisfied, we should probably begin by identifying what a soul is. Simply stated, the soul is—a person’s mind, will, and emotions. John Ortberg put it this way… “Your soul is what…

5 Important Biblical Truths You Need to Know about God’s Discipline
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5 Important Biblical Truths You Need to Know about God’s Discipline

My child, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline,    and don’t be upset when He corrects you.For the Lord corrects those He loves,    just as a father corrects a child in whom He delights. Proverbs 3:11–12 Nope, I don’t like being disciplined. I never have. Truthfully, I don’t know anyone who gets excited about being sent to time out or having a…

The Unexpected Ways Doing Whatever It Takes Can Bless Your Life Today
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The Unexpected Ways Doing Whatever It Takes Can Bless Your Life Today

Rev and I once stayed at a hotel where there was a card on the nightstand that read: W.I.T. Whatever it Takes. Simply dial ’10.’ Our goal is that every guest leaves satisfied.“ As guests, we appreciated both the message and the goal. And then I started thinking… What if every follower of Jesus, the…

The 5 Things You Should Do First to Bless and Simplify Your Life
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The 5 Things You Should Do First to Bless and Simplify Your Life

The first week in August is Simplify Your Life Week. Do you dread the start of school and all the extra activities that go with it? This week is the perfect time to stop and assess your family’s priorities, schedule, and responsibilities. It’s time to evaluate your must-dos, need-to dos, and want-to dos. Before the busyness and…

Why It’s a Blessing to Know that Jesus Plus Nothing is Enough
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Why It’s a Blessing to Know that Jesus Plus Nothing is Enough

Jesus said, “I AM the Messiah.” (John 4:26) He said, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” (John 14:6) And when Jesus asked Peter what he believed about Him, Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16) So, today I’m taking a closer look and asking myself…