When You Need the Father’s Presence, Protection, & Provision
Children want their parents to hold them, comfort them, and protect them. God’s children also want His presence, protection, and provision and He is the perfect loving Father.
Children want their parents to hold them, comfort them, and protect them. God’s children also want His presence, protection, and provision and He is the perfect loving Father.
What is the truth about faith? That we long for temporary blessings when God wants to give us treasures that start with faith and last forever. May God be merciful to you and bless you.
Rev and I love retelling stories from our past and in all honesty, it probably drives our kids crazy. How often do you tell, “I remember when” stories? According to Psalm 66 that’s exactly what we should be doing . . . telling stories that praise God and share the ways He has worked in…
I’ve heard people say, “When I get to heaven . . . have I got some questions for God!” It’s typically said in a tone of voice that gives the message—God’s got some ‘splainin’ to do! When I tend to think about seeing the Lord face to face for the first time… Wow, I can…
It seems a little silly to talk about here but Rev and I have an enemy that is conspiring against us. No matter how hard I try or what I do to deter them, we have some squirrels chewing branches off the shrubbery and attempting to build a cozy little den at the top of…
I wonder if David was thinking, “How did I get here?” when he wrote Psalm 63. He had fled to the wilderness as his son, Absolom, was attempting to take over the country. I wonder if it was questions like these that filled his head… How did I get here? I love him. He’s my…
Hope is defined as: But those definitions don’t come close to describing what it means to live with hope as followers of Jesus. Hope for those who KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE Christ Jesus isn’t just a feeling. It is the assurance that God is who He says He is and that He keeps His promises…
If I had to place myself on a scale of 1 to 10 on being emotional . . . I think I’m at about a 9.5! Rev asked me once in a Bible Study if I remembered some event and before he’d even finished asking the question, I responded, “I don’t know. Did I cry?”…
Facing defeat is one of life’s more difficult challenges. I’m not talking about sports or board games although many of us find it hard to deal with defeat in any way. I’m thinking about the times the enemy defeats us. . . the times we give in to temptation and sin. Have you ever noticed…
When we remember what God has done, give Him our cares and concerns, and end each day with gratitude we can start the day with an attitude that gives us joy in the morning.
Do you believe most people around the world live under a fair system of justice? Do you believe that the justice system in the United States is fair? David began Psalm 58 with these words… Justice—do you rulers know the meaning of the word? Do you judge the people fairly? Psalm 58:1 The Life Application Bible Notes…
What does it mean to be exalted? The dictionary defines it as being elevated in rank, power, or character. The Biblical definition is – to raise up or elevate someone or something to a higher level in rank, honor, power, character, or quality . . . to be praised or held in high esteem. It’s…
It’s not at all unusual lately to learn a friend or family member is overwhelmed by feelings of fear and anxiety. The truth is that’s exactly where the enemy of our souls wants us all. Satan wants us all distracted, disappointed, disconnected, and discontent. He wants us to live anxious and afraid. Jesus said… The…
Someone you loved and trusted turned against you. I don’t know if there is anything that’s more painful. We share our hearts with those we love. They know many of our secrets and our greatest hopes and dreams. They also know how and where we are the most vulnerable. So, when they turn against us…
Why is God’s name important? Why did He tell His followers not to misuse it? You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse His name. Exodus 20:7 Other translations say the following about misusing God’s name… You must not… Why does it matter? Why does…
The Spirit inspired two identical Psalms telling us that only those who say, “there is no God” are foolish. How can we avoid being foolish? God’s Word tells us to SEEK the Truth and Know God’s love.
It has happened to everyone. People betray and they have betrayed each other since sin entered our world. I did a little digging and discovered the word betrayal can mean many any of the following: It appears that we use the word to cover a broad spectrum of circumstances . . . some momentarily unpleasant…
David was guilty of pride, sexual sin, and murder. He was guilty and he knew he was guilty. Psalm 51 shares David’s words of repentance. No excuses. No blame. Just a sorrowful confession of guilt and a plea for forgiveness. Have mercy on me, O God, because of Your unfailing love.Because of Your great compassion, blot out…
God, the Mighty One, is the source of all wisdom and power. He rules over all He has made . . . and He has something to say. He has a warning for His creation. Through the words of Psalm 50, God wants people to know that He is paying attention and He has made…
Listen to this, all you people! Pay attention, everyone in the world!High and low, rich and poor—listen! Psalm 49:1–2 God inspired the writer of this Psalm to begin by saying… This is important! Pay attention! What is it that God wants us to KNOW? That worldliness is futile! He wants us to KNOW that power, possessions, and…
The Bible tells us that God is great but what exactly does that mean? Do we use the word great so frequently that it has lost some of its important meaning? Let’s talk…