4 Powerful Things We will Never Forget About Being Hit by Lightning
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4 Powerful Things We will Never Forget About Being Hit by Lightning

The Lord made the earth by His power,    and He preserves it by His wisdom.With His own understanding    He stretched out the heavens.When He speaks in the thunder,    the heavens roar with rain.He causes the clouds to rise over the earth.    He sends the lightning with the rain    and releases the wind from His storehouses. Jeremiah 10:12–13 Have you ever stood outside…

5 Simple Ways to Celebrate God & His Love Today
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5 Simple Ways to Celebrate God & His Love Today

How often do you pause to simply celebrate God and His love? We know what it feels like to celebrate but what does it actually mean to celebrate God? The Dictionary gives the word “celebrate” four simple meanings: to rejoice to observe to perform/participate (a solemn or religious ceremony) to praise publicly; proclaim So, let me ask again… How often do you celebrate God and His…

3 Questions to Help You Share Your Story through Joy, Junk, & Jesus
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3 Questions to Help You Share Your Story through Joy, Junk, & Jesus

Let’s talk about our Joy, Junk, & Jesus. I picked up my old Bible the other day. The one I used when our children were growing up. I’ve always kept it in a cute fabric case so the cover still looks clean and undamaged. But the pages are a different story. They’re covered with notes…

10 Positive What-if Questions that will Bless You and Give You Peace
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10 Positive What-if Questions that will Bless You and Give You Peace

How much time do you spend thinking about what-if questions? You know… What if I had done this? What if I hadn’t done that? What if I’d reacted sooner? What if I hadn’t posted this or reacted to that? It’s called “second guessing” and it’s defined as . . . criticizing or questioning someone or…

10 Verses to Pray Asking God to Bless and Strengthen Your Family
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10 Verses to Pray Asking God to Bless and Strengthen Your Family

A family counselor once shared the following with me… I met with the (Smith) family because four-year-old (Brittany) was having trouble getting along with the other children at her pre-school. As mom and dad took their seats, Brittany wandered the room picking up puppets and books. After a few moments of chit-chat, I asked, ”…

How Having the “Fear of the Lord” Will Bless You Every Day
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How Having the “Fear of the Lord” Will Bless You Every Day

Both David and his son, Solomon wrote: Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. Psalm 111:10 and Proverbs 9:10 Solomon also wrote that the “fear of the Lord” led to: True Knowledge (Proverbs 1:7) Understanding (Proverbs 2) Life (Proverbs 19:23) And Luke wrote in the Book of Acts: The church had peace . . . and it became stronger as…

4 Perfectly Practical Ways to Talk About God and Faith
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4 Perfectly Practical Ways to Talk About God and Faith

It happened many years ago, but I can still remember it like it was yesterday. I was in an intense discussion about God’s characteristics and qualities. As a long-time student of the Bible, I was passionate about the information and faith that inspired my side of the conversation, and that passion led to me proclaim,…

5 Verses that will Help You Experience Peace and Soul Satisfaction
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5 Verses that will Help You Experience Peace and Soul Satisfaction

Is your soul satisfied? Let me ask another way, “Is it well with your soul?” If we want to know if our souls are satisfied, we should probably begin by identifying what a soul is. Simply stated, the soul is—a person’s mind, will, and emotions. John Ortberg put it this way… “Your soul is what…