Why It’s Important for You to Know and Live Your Core Values Today
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Why It’s Important for You to Know and Live Your Core Values Today

If asked, could you define your core values? Okay, maybe we should start by explaining what the phrase”core values” means. Core values are the fundamental beliefs that help people and organizations make decisions and focus on goals. Knowing our core values can help us make choices, manage our time more effectively, and balance our careers,…

The Best Way to Apply the 10 Commandments to Your Life Today
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The Best Way to Apply the 10 Commandments to Your Life Today

What thoughts float through your mind whenever the subject of the Commandments comes up? Are you guilty? Uncomfortable? Disinterested? Proud? Do you believe there are a couple that are antiquated and just don’t apply anymore? Do you ever mentally run through the list and think, “Hmm, I’m doing a pretty good job?” Whatever your reaction…

3 Ways to Graciously Handle the Many Emotions of Mother’s Day
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3 Ways to Graciously Handle the Many Emotions of Mother’s Day

Just the thought of Mother’s Day can produce a whole range of feelings. The emotions of Mother’s Day can be thrilling and heartbreaking! So, maybe like me – you’re already anticipating the annual all-over-the-place highs and lows. I’ve experienced motherhood as a biological mother, an adoptive mother, a foster mother, a mother-in-law, and a substitute…

How to Answer Someone Who Says Your Faith is Belief Without Evidence
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How to Answer Someone Who Says Your Faith is Belief Without Evidence

There’s a Twitter user who seems to take pleasure in challenging followers of Jesus and the Bible. This individual often replies to faith posts with comments like… “Faith is believing something without sufficient evidence. Faith is pretending to know things you don’t know.” Is that right? Is faith belief without evidence? This is how the…

How Spending Time at the Foot of the Cross Helps Us Trust God
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How Spending Time at the Foot of the Cross Helps Us Trust God

Do you trust easily? For many, it all depends on the extent to which they’ve been disappointed and betrayed in the past. Trust is defined as confident reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, and promise of a person or thing. Trust relies on consistent reliability! Many of you shared Proverbs 3:5–6 as your favorite verses….

This Truth About “Wait Right Here” will Help You Live by Faith Today
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This Truth About “Wait Right Here” will Help You Live by Faith Today

Years ago when our son was little, I’d take him to the mall to burn off the fidgets on days he couldn’t run around outside.  I can still remember one particular visit like it happened yesterday… We were enjoying our time together when he looked up at me and said, “Wait right here Mommy, I’ll be right back.”…

How God will Help You Live with Faith and Faithfulness
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How God will Help You Live with Faith and Faithfulness

I’ve been wondering about the difference between faith and faithfulness. Faith is believing in someone or something. Faithfulness is consistently acting on that faith. We can have faith that we have the best job in the world but if we don’t faithfully fulfill the tasks of that job we probably won’t have it very long….

How Jesus is the Light Who Gives Hope and Defeats the Darkness
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How Jesus is the Light Who Gives Hope and Defeats the Darkness

Do you ever feel like the darkness is winning? Sexuality is confused, misused, and abused. Wars and rumors of wars lead our newscasts unless there’s a more titillating scandal to report. Respect for those in leadership seems to be the exception, not the norm. Addiction has filtered into every segment of society. Babies continue to…

How You Can Find the Balance Between Self-Love & Love for Others
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How You Can Find the Balance Between Self-Love & Love for Others

People seem to be fascinated with the subject of self-love lately. Even in the faith community, we’ve bought into the idea that we can’t love others well until we love ourselves well. After all, Jesus said: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ Matthew 22:39 But I wonder if putting self-love first doesn’t tempt us…

5 Helpful Ways to Replace Your Fear with Strength Today
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5 Helpful Ways to Replace Your Fear with Strength Today

I can’t. I know I’m not strong enough to deal with that. I’m afraid! What’s that thing that makes your palms sweat and your heart race? The thing you fear most. The thing you beg God not to allow—telling Him you’re not strong enough. Those who want to motivate and inspire you might say: You’re stronger than…

Courage is God’s Strength Helping You Live One Day at a Time
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Courage is God’s Strength Helping You Live One Day at a Time

Like you, I’ve had times when I needed courage for big problems that delivered big fears. There was the time our first grandson spent months in the NICU. And the one when Rev was sick for over a year with constrictive pericarditis. There have also been losses that changed everything and caused persistent grief.  …