4 Perfectly Practical Ways to Talk About God and Faith
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4 Perfectly Practical Ways to Talk About God and Faith

It happened many years ago, but I can still remember it like it was yesterday. I was in an intense discussion about God’s characteristics and qualities. As a long-time student of the Bible, I was passionate about the information and faith that inspired my side of the conversation, and that passion led to me proclaim,…

How to Have the Courage You Need to Boldly Tell Your Story
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How to Have the Courage You Need to Boldly Tell Your Story

“A sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm filled the room.” “Flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them.” “Everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:2–4) And the disciples were changed… Just weeks earlier Jesus was arrested and… All the disciples deserted him and fled….

The Best Way to Share Your Faith

Do you know anyone who shares their faith through rules, judgments, accusations, and arguments. Do you? Christians who go around “looking like they were baptized in pickle juice” rarely make someone want to join the flock of the faith-filled. On the other hand, have you ever met a believer who has inspired you to want a closer relationship with Jesus. Who’s love,…