How You Can Live with Peace and Hope In a Hostile World
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How You Can Live with Peace and Hope In a Hostile World

As I read the following words, it amazed me how applicable they are for today. Why are the nations so angry?    Why do they waste their time with futile plans?The kings of the earth prepare for battle;    the rulers plot together against the Lord    and against His anointed one.“Let us break their chains,” they cry,    “and free ourselves from slavery…

7 Verses that will Inspire You to Commit to Asking WWGGG in the New Year
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7 Verses that will Inspire You to Commit to Asking WWGGG in the New Year

Have you seen the acronym WWGGG? We’ve all seen – WWJD. What would Jesus do? But I sometimes wonder if #WWJD has become an easy phrase to use more than it is a personal commitment to actually knowing, loving, and obeying Jesus. When I hear someone affirm something that clearly goes against God’s Word, I…

How Making Comparisons will Always Steal Your Peace, Hope, and Joy
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How Making Comparisons will Always Steal Your Peace, Hope, and Joy

It’s the season of comparisons. Advertisers tempt us to compare every part of our celebrations so they can entice us to make purchases that will “make us feel better about ourselves.” Theodore Roosevelt once said… “Comparison is the thief of joy.” And I believe he was right. The enemy of our souls uses comparisons in…

4 Important Posts to Focus Our Hearts On Daily Praise And Worship
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4 Important Posts to Focus Our Hearts On Daily Praise And Worship

You and I were created for praise and worship. We will worship someone or something and that is never more clear than it is at Christmas time. Between gifts and gatherings, specials featuring celebrities, and celebratory indulging . . . we can be tempted to worship the creation more than we worship the Creator. But God’s Word…