Want Wisdom? Then It’s Important To Fear The Lord
Do you want wisdom? What exactly is wisdom? The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Join us as we look closely at the who, what, why, and how of that Biblical truth.
Do you want wisdom? What exactly is wisdom? The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Join us as we look closely at the who, what, why, and how of that Biblical truth.
Psalm 110 clearly points to the coming Messiah. We’re taking a closer look at who the Messiah is and what that means for you and me. We’d love for you to join us and join the conversation.
Have you heard of Imprecatory Psalms? What are they? They are honest heartfelt cries and complaints. Want to know more? Come over and join us as we take a closer look.
Do you confidently trust God? What does it mean to have confidence? It is trusting in the reliability of the source of our trust. And we can be confident God is reliable and trustworthy.
Has the Lord redeemed you?Then speak out! We don’t know who wrote Psalm 107 but those are the words of the second verse, right after… Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 107:1 If you have been forgiven. If you have been saved through Christ Jesus. If…
I know. You read the title and thought . . . I’m not a whiner but __________ definitely needs this. Rev has a saying that always makes me nod and smile… “Whining is annoying in children but it is downright obnoxious in adults.” It’s not that we believe it’s wrong to voice our concerns or…
There’s a quote that says “those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” It’s important to learn the lessons of history given by God to know and trust His will for the future.
Creation vs. Evolution – the debate goes on and on. I’m sharing the truths of God’s Word and the reasons I believe God created and cares for the world out of unfailing love and faithfulness.
You’re devastated. You’ve received bad news and your world has been turned upside down. And now, the enemy is tempting you to question your faith and doubt God’s love by whispering, “Where’s your God now? He must not really love you. If He loved you, He wouldn’t have allowed this to happen.” His questions swirl…
Many in our world are living through a season that could be defined as a “time of distress.” What is distress? It’s defined as… And has the following synonyms… No one volunteers for a time of distress. Truly, if there were sign-up sheets, no one would sign up. No, thank you! Psalm 102 begins like…
King David made a list of “I will” promises to help him live with integrity. He wanted to honor God as he ruled over His people. Although he didn’t keep it perfectly he gave us something to follow.
Shout for joy! Come and worship! I’ve always loved Psalm 100. Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness.Come before Him, singing with joy. Psalm 100:1–2 Those words just make me smile. Especially when I think about all the reasons I have to praise God with joy and gladness. It’s easy to focus…
As I read the opening verse of Psalm 99, I realized that I don’t spend much time thinking about angels. The Lord is king! Let the nations tremble!He sits on His throne between the cherubim. Let the whole earth quake! Psalm 99:1 I wondered about the possibility that there may be some distorted ideas out there about who angels…
God promised a Savior before Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden and He repeatedly told His people about the coming Messiah throughout all the generations of the Old Testament. God promised a Messiah and God keeps His promises. He sent Jesus but the people had waited for so long that many didn’t recognize…
As followers of Jesus, we trust The Bible’s promise that our souls go to heaven when we die. We are told to love God with all our “heart, soul, mind, and strength.” But have you ever wondered how you’d define your soul if someone asked you about it? I grew up in the church and…
“Hallelujah” has been one of the most frequently used words to praise God in the Bible. It is a literary rendering of the words praise – “Hallel” and God – “Jah.” Hallelujah = Praise God! Psalm 96 begins… Sing a new song to the Lord! Let the whole earth sing to the Lord!Sing to the Lord; praise His name. Each…
Psalm 95 is called an invitation to worship. We’re looking at 5 ways to add worship to our lives but we’d love to hear some of the ways you worship God each day. Come over and join the conversation.
Why is it that difficult days seem to go on and on while joy-filled days seem to fly by? That is especially true when those difficult days are the result of God’s discipline—when we are living out the consequences of our own foolish behavior. Do you remember being sent to time-out as a child? Minutes…
What does it mean to be holy? Join us as we take a closer look at what it means that God is holy, why He tells His children that they should be holy too, and how that’s even possible.
How would you like to live a more positive life? There’s a secret that changes everything . . . something that will make you happier through grace, love, and humility. Join us to learn more…
Psalm 91 reminds us that the Lord covers, shelters, guards, and protects us. We can find rest in the shadow of His loving care. He promises to be with us and answer us when we call out for His help.