How to Stand Strong With Faith in a One-World System of Religion
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How to Stand Strong With Faith in a One-World System of Religion

The last verse of yesterday’s chapter (Revelation 17) says: This woman you saw in your vision represents the great city that rules over the kings of the world.” Revelation 17:18 Many have shared that one of the signs of the End Times is the idea of a “one-world” system of governing. One of those individuals…

How God Uses All Kinds of People to Accomplish His Greater Purpose
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How God Uses All Kinds of People to Accomplish His Greater Purpose

Since the beginning of time, God has used people on earth to accomplish His purposes. Solomon wrote: You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. Proverbs 19:21 You might believe you are too sinful or insignificant. You might believe that anything you do will be of little consequence. You shouldn’t! He chose a…

Why it’s Important to Know and Trust that God Is Always Good and Fair
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Why it’s Important to Know and Trust that God Is Always Good and Fair

It’s a phrase that can send a parent’s nerves on edge… “That’s not fair!” Part of the problem is that it’s typically said in an annoying whiney voice. But of course, children do not have the corner on the “that’s not fair” market. Adults are often guilty of whining about fairness. Rev says, “Whining is…

How to Give the Blessing of Gifts that Last Forever and Always
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How to Give the Blessing of Gifts that Last Forever and Always

Have you finished your Christmas shopping? Is everything wrapped and ready? I’ve shared with Rev that I knew writing through Revelation would be challenging. What I didn’t anticipate is that I would be writing about the times prior to Jesus’ second coming as we are preparing to remember and celebrate His first. Most years, I…

How Wisdom Will Help You Know and Reject the Mark of the Beast
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How Wisdom Will Help You Know and Reject the Mark of the Beast

The other day, I noticed the following verse in Exodus… This annual festival [The Passover] will be a visible sign to you, like a mark branded on your hand or your forehead. Let it remind you always to recite this teaching of the Lord: ‘With a strong hand, the Lord rescued you from Egypt.’ Exodus 13:9 I love…

Why It’s Important to Trust the Truth that Jesus will Judge the World
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Why It’s Important to Trust the Truth that Jesus will Judge the World

I often hear from people that they are struggling with feelings of fear and confusion as evil’s grip on the world appears to be growing ever stronger. Biblical truths that were once embraced by people are now being pushed aside in favor of beliefs that are blatantly and directly against God’s teachings and commands. And…

Why It’s Important to Focus On Jesus as We Live Through Revelation
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Why It’s Important to Focus On Jesus as We Live Through Revelation

I sometimes wonder where we are in the end times spectrum. I wonder what if any events have taken place already and what the future will be like going forward. Rev and I were talking the other day, about the challenges of understanding John’s writing of God’s plan. There are some who take it literally…

How You Can Live with Faith Unafraid of the End of the World
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How You Can Live with Faith Unafraid of the End of the World

We were having a discussion during one of our Sunday Morning Bible Classes. Several people commented on their desire for the second coming of Jesus. As many nodded in agreement, one of my friends joined the conversation and said, “I’m so anxious to see Jesus but I don’t really want to live through the prophecies…

Why It’s Important to Open the Doors of Your Heart to Jesus
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Why It’s Important to Open the Doors of Your Heart to Jesus

There were more than 60 of us . . . 13-year-olds making a statement of faith and joining the church. Our pastor, following a long tradition, prayerfully chose a Bible verse for every person in the class. My friends received verses like Romans 8:28, John 3:16, Isaiah 41:10, and Jeremiah 29:11. And then he came…

Important Reasons Why We Need to Live With Each Other in Community
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Important Reasons Why We Need to Live With Each Other in Community

After a year and a half of being told to “social distance” and stay away from each other, it’s a blessing to see people deciding to actually “live” with each other again. I don’t think we were created to hide behind masks inside our own homes. We recently learned that Facebook is developing the Metaverse….