Why Jesus’ Resurrection Offers Truth and Life Forever
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Why Jesus’ Resurrection Offers Truth and Life Forever

We love celebrating Jesus’ resurrection but there’s a part of us that wants to look away when it comes to the Lord’s suffering and death. We don’t want to see ourselves running away in fear with the disciples. We don’t want to see ourselves standing in the crowd shouting, “Crucify Him.” We don’t want to…

When You Need Someone to Fix Life’s Big Problems
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When You Need Someone to Fix Life’s Big Problems

I’m a problem solver. I love finding solutions and fixing problems. I’m entertained by puzzles and creating ways to resolve dilemmas. Until I can’t. The truth is that many of life’s big problems can’t be fixed. There are times when our feeble human efforts simply aren’t enough. Times when our worlds are shaken by things…

4 Important Posts to Focus Our Hearts On Daily Praise And Worship
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4 Important Posts to Focus Our Hearts On Daily Praise And Worship

You and I were created for praise and worship. We will worship someone or something and that is never more clear than it is at Christmas time. Between gifts and gatherings, specials featuring celebrities, and celebratory indulging . . . we can be tempted to worship the creation more than we worship the Creator. But God’s Word…

How You Can Have a Perfectly Strong & Reliable Foundation for Life
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How You Can Have a Perfectly Strong & Reliable Foundation for Life

There’s a new house being built in our neighborhood. They started by digging down through the pliable earth, set forms, and poured a concrete foundation. Every building needs a strong foundation if we want it to stand through the storms of life. So, let me ask you… What is your foundation for life? Your family…

3 Questions to Help You Share Your Story through Joy, Junk, & Jesus
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3 Questions to Help You Share Your Story through Joy, Junk, & Jesus

Let’s talk about our Joy, Junk, & Jesus. I picked up my old Bible the other day. The one I used when our children were growing up. I’ve always kept it in a cute fabric case so the cover still looks clean and undamaged. But the pages are a different story. They’re covered with notes…

7 Helpful Ways to Guide Your Child Toward a Strong Moral Character
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7 Helpful Ways to Guide Your Child Toward a Strong Moral Character

“You can learn many things from children.How much patience you have, for instance.” ~Franklin P. Jones Don’t you wish each individual child came with a personalized instruction manual? Parenting is both a wonderful rewarding blessing and a humbling challenging responsibility. Some days you feel like an expert and others you’re quite sure you’re a total…

Why It’s a Blessing to Know that Jesus Plus Nothing is Enough
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Why It’s a Blessing to Know that Jesus Plus Nothing is Enough

Jesus said, “I AM the Messiah.” (John 4:26) He said, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” (John 14:6) And when Jesus asked Peter what he believed about Him, Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16) So, today I’m taking a closer look and asking myself…

How You Can Be Strong Enough to Survive Any Problem You Face
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How You Can Be Strong Enough to Survive Any Problem You Face

Father God,I’m not strong enough.I can’t. I’m afraid. What’s the thing you fear most? That thing that makes your palms sweat and your heart race? The thing you beg God not to allow—telling Him you can’t, you’re afraid . . . you’re not strong enough. But when you finally get the courage to talk to a friend…

Why It’s a Blessing to Surrender to God Especially When It’s Hard
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Why It’s a Blessing to Surrender to God Especially When It’s Hard

What if God asked you for permission before He allowed your life to get painful and messy? I imagine like me, you would quickly reply, “I don’t want to!“ “I don’t want to . . . endure, suffer, grieve, lose, forfeit, repent, surrender, forgive, etc. It’s too hard. It’s too painful. I’m not strong enough . . ….

How to Answer Someone Who Says Your Faith is Belief Without Evidence
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How to Answer Someone Who Says Your Faith is Belief Without Evidence

There’s a Twitter user who seems to take pleasure in challenging followers of Jesus and the Bible. This individual often replies to faith posts with comments like… “Faith is believing something without sufficient evidence. Faith is pretending to know things you don’t know.” Is that right? Is faith belief without evidence? This is how the…

2 Important Things to Remember As You Go Through Seasons of Change
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2 Important Things to Remember As You Go Through Seasons of Change

One thing is certain in life . . . things change. Some love it and others find it terrifying. I think most of us get excited about positive changes but just the thought of unpleasant changes can make us anxious. If the season is difficult, hearing the words “this too shall pass” may be encouraging…

How to Trust God with Your Life When You Don’t Understand His Will
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How to Trust God with Your Life When You Don’t Understand His Will

I often hear from readers who are walking through heartbreaking circumstances. They share that although they have prayed and prayed, God hasn’t moved and it seems as though He may allow the heart-wrenching circumstances they feared. You may have been there or maybe you’re there now. You can’t find a job and your savings is down…

How Spending Time at the Foot of the Cross Helps Us Trust God
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How Spending Time at the Foot of the Cross Helps Us Trust God

Do you trust easily? For many, it all depends on the extent to which they’ve been disappointed and betrayed in the past. Trust is defined as confident reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, and promise of a person or thing. Trust relies on consistent reliability! Many of you shared Proverbs 3:5–6 as your favorite verses….