5 Verses that will Inspire You with Hope and Encouragement
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5 Verses that will Inspire You with Hope and Encouragement

I don’t know about you, but this is the time of year when I really need a bit of encouragement. The fun of the holidays is long past, the anticipation of the new year has fallen into a winter routine, the resolutions I believed would be good habits are sporadic at best, and well, it’s…

3 Things God Promises to Help You Overcome Your Fears
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3 Things God Promises to Help You Overcome Your Fears

What frightens you? Illness? Heights? Confined spaces? Flying? Rejection? Failure? __________? Have you ever been afraid of the disapproval of friends, family, coworkers, or the people with whom you interact on social media? Paul had something to say to Timothy about that . . . well, maybe not the social media part although I think…

How God Will Make You Strong, Courageous, and Unafraid Today
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How God Will Make You Strong, Courageous, and Unafraid Today

Do you worry about the future? Do you find yourself imagining what-if or thinking I can’t? I’ve been trying to imagine what it must have been like for the wilderness wanderers as they prepared to enter the Promised Land. 40 years earlier their parents had planted seeds of doubt and fear of the things they’d…

How God’s Love and Grace Can Make the Impossible Possible
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How God’s Love and Grace Can Make the Impossible Possible

I used to think that God’s love for me was determined by my behavior. That a better attitude and actions would result in God’s greater love and a better life. Now, while it’s true that living in obedience may prevent some of life’s immediate negative consequences . . . it’s not true that God’s love…

Want Hope? You Need This Truth About Satan and the Book of Life
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Want Hope? You Need This Truth About Satan and the Book of Life

Many books and movies present a dastardly villain as part of the storyline. Readers and viewers are most satisfied when finally as the story comes to a close the villain is defeated and justice prevails. “Villain” does not even begin to describe satan. The dark, dark evils he has reigned down on the world and…

How to Stand Strong With Faith in a One-World System of Religion
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How to Stand Strong With Faith in a One-World System of Religion

The last verse of yesterday’s chapter (Revelation 17) says: This woman you saw in your vision represents the great city that rules over the kings of the world.” Revelation 17:18 Many have shared that one of the signs of the End Times is the idea of a “one-world” system of governing. One of those individuals…

How God Uses All Kinds of People to Accomplish His Greater Purpose
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How God Uses All Kinds of People to Accomplish His Greater Purpose

Since the beginning of time, God has used people on earth to accomplish His purposes. Solomon wrote: You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. Proverbs 19:21 You might believe you are too sinful or insignificant. You might believe that anything you do will be of little consequence. You shouldn’t! He chose a…

Why it’s Important to Know and Trust that God Is Always Good and Fair
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Why it’s Important to Know and Trust that God Is Always Good and Fair

It’s a phrase that can send a parent’s nerves on edge… “That’s not fair!” Part of the problem is that it’s typically said in an annoying whiney voice. But of course, children do not have the corner on the “that’s not fair” market. Adults are often guilty of whining about fairness. Rev says, “Whining is…