How God Will Give You What You Need When You are Suffering
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How God Will Give You What You Need When You are Suffering

It’s normal to complain when life doesn’t go the way we expect. But what if it’s not supposed to… In Henry Blackaby’s Bible Study, Experiencing God. He talks about the way we often make plans and then get upset when God doesn’t seem to cooperate and facilitate. He encourages readers to watch and learn what God is doing around them…

3 Positive Steps to Take that will Help You Live with Humility
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3 Positive Steps to Take that will Help You Live with Humility

What do you think of when you hear the word humility? Is it just the opposite of pride? Pride can be anything from self-respect and satisfaction in a job well done to arrogance and impertinence. Solomon wrote: Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. Proverbs 16:18 He also wrote: Pride ends in humiliation, while humility…

How Jesus is the Light Who Gives Hope and Defeats the Darkness
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How Jesus is the Light Who Gives Hope and Defeats the Darkness

Do you ever feel like the darkness is winning? Sexuality is confused, misused, and abused. Wars and rumors of wars lead our newscasts unless there’s a more titillating scandal to report. Respect for those in leadership seems to be the exception, not the norm. Addiction has filtered into every segment of society. Babies continue to…

How Comparison and Blame will Steal Your Peace and Joy
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How Comparison and Blame will Steal Your Peace and Joy

Have you ever heard someone blame Adam and Eve for the pain and problems of this sinful world? It’s what we do, isn’t it? We blame. Eve blamed the “serpent” and Adam blamed “the woman [God] gave [him].” (Genesis 3:12–13) We’re always tempted to play the blame game saying, “I’m not guilty. I’m a victim….

How You Can Find the Balance Between Self-Love & Love for Others
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How You Can Find the Balance Between Self-Love & Love for Others

People seem to be fascinated with the subject of self-love lately. Even in the faith community, we’ve bought into the idea that we can’t love others well until we love ourselves well. After all, Jesus said: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ Matthew 22:39 But I wonder if putting self-love first doesn’t tempt us…

Why It’s Important to Know & Speak the Truth that Helps Eternally
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Why It’s Important to Know & Speak the Truth that Helps Eternally

I often struggle with the amped-up ugly interactions that are so prevalent in our current society. I’ve prayerfully asked God to help me look past my own agitation and choose my words here carefully. And I’d like to ask you a question… What’s most important? Popularity? Recognition? Your opinion? Your friend’s opinions? Or the truth? It’s hard to know…

What Does it Mean that God Works Things Together for Our Good?
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What Does it Mean that God Works Things Together for Our Good?

Fourteen years ago, our friends started calling us a “high maintenance prayer family.” It seemed like we were experiencing one crisis after another. Some of the circumstances were the results of other people’s choices, a few caused by decisions we made, and some were simply health problems allowed by God. As is typical of life,…

5 Helpful Ways to Replace Your Fear with Strength Today
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5 Helpful Ways to Replace Your Fear with Strength Today

I can’t. I know I’m not strong enough to deal with that. I’m afraid! What’s that thing that makes your palms sweat and your heart race? The thing you fear most. The thing you beg God not to allow—telling Him you’re not strong enough. Those who want to motivate and inspire you might say: You’re stronger than…

Courage is God’s Strength Helping You Live One Day at a Time
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Courage is God’s Strength Helping You Live One Day at a Time

Like you, I’ve had times when I needed courage for big problems that delivered big fears. There was the time our first grandson spent months in the NICU. And the one when Rev was sick for over a year with constrictive pericarditis. There have also been losses that changed everything and caused persistent grief.  …

How God Will Help You Do Everything with “Agape” Love
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How God Will Help You Do Everything with “Agape” Love

“Do everything with love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14 Paul wrote these words as part of his final instructions in his first letter to the church in Corinth. The Greek word for love in this verse is “agape” . . . love that is: Unconcerned with the self and concerned with the greatest good of another. Agape isn’t born…