5 Psalms to Pray that will Help When You Feel Lonely
We’ve never been more connected than we are today. Yet, more of us are lonelier than ever before. We’re praying 5 Psalms that will help and give us hope. #Prayer #Hope #Loneliness #FeelLonely
We’ve never been more connected than we are today. Yet, more of us are lonelier than ever before. We’re praying 5 Psalms that will help and give us hope. #Prayer #Hope #Loneliness #FeelLonely
SEEK was my word for 2018, and I chose Luke 12:31 as my verse… Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need. At the end of the year, I knew there was no moving on. Seek went from being my word for the year to being my word for life!…
If you clicked on the title to this post because you wanted to know more, because you need to pray … I’m guessing you need a miracle in your life. You’re not alone … my most visited post is 5 Verses to Pray When You Need God to Do the Impossible. And if you visit…
It’s that time of the year… I’ve heard friends are calling it #Maycember. And I understand. I still remember overstuffed calendar pages filled with end of the school year events and activities, and although the days were long and exhausting, that wasn’t the hardest part… The hardest part was dealing with impending CHANGE! The end…
Thank you so much for SHOUTING your disapproval and disagreements on social media and blog comments. You’ve convinced me how much I really need to know your Jesus. Said no one ever! So many of those disagreements have to do with the things we consider moral and immoral, right and wrong, good and bad ……
I’ve read a handful of books in my life that I would say have been “life-changing” in the ways they have challenged me and grown my faith. Books I simply call – the Best Faith Books! These are books I reread often. Most have them have been around for a while. I’m guessing that even…
I’m not a fan of many of the sayings you typically find on church signs. You know. Things like… Don’t tell God how big your fear is, tell your fear how big your God is. F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death. Although there may be…
It’s Easter! He is Risen! I thought this would be the easiest prayer of all to write until I began and words seemed beyond my reach because I knew the truth… How Can I Ever Begin to Thank You, Jesus? Your Resurrection Day changed everything! Everything! Because of Your resurrection… My sins are forgiven and…
It’s the day between Good Friday and Easter. And for a moment, I want to turn my attention from Jesus to His followers because I can relate to between days … painful days of confusion, overwhelming grief and unanswered questions. I think most of us have experienced those “in-between” days. The truth is we’re all…
I have a hard time getting my brain around all that this day we call “Good Friday” embraces. When I think about the betrayals and denials, trials and lashes, a crown of thorns and crowds shouting “crucify Him” … all pieces of the day that Jesus suffered and died. How can we call it ……
So much happened on Thursday of Holy Week. Jesus washed His apostles’ feet. He celebrated a Passover meal with them. He walked with them and taught them about faith and faithfulness. He warned them of the world’s hatred and promised them the presence of the Holy Spirit. And He prayed. Today, I’m praying and asking…
On Tuesday of Holy Week, Jesus spent one last day teaching in the Temple Courtyard and the leading priests and elders came to Him with a challenge… “By what authority are you doing all these things? Who gave you the right?” Matthew 21:23 After answering their question with a question … He began teaching some…
We’ve been praying 40 Days of Mountain Moving Prayers each morning on my Facebook Page since Ash Wednesday. If you missed out … you can find them all here. Lent is traditionally described as the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter when you skip the Sundays. We didn’t skip the Sundays; so, our 40…
I have times when I am overwhelmed by God’s presence when I’m praying and I also know the feeling of loneliness as my pleas seem to simply hang heavy in the air around me. I know God’s promises to hear the prayers of His children. Promises like… The Lord is close to all who call…
Waiting is my favorite … said no one ever! Entire industries have been developed because we want what they want and we don’t want to wait for it! We hate waiting in lines. Traffic jams make our heads spin around. We pull our phones out to pass the time in waiting rooms and still we…
I was so blessed by Melanie’s guest post last week – 5 Verses to Pray for Your Daughter’s Spiritual Sensitivity and Growth, that I was inspired to write a post of verses we could pray for our sons as well. I’ve said often that the one thing I wish I had done more often when…
On the darkest days, when I feel inadequate, unloved and unworthy, I remember whose daughter I am and I straighten my crown. Author Unknown That’s what I want not only for myself but for my daughters as well. Being a teen girl is hard. I remember! I remember it was hard for our girls too….
Why do I put myself out there week after week telling you about my struggle with worry and anxiety? Because I hated it! And if, by God’s grace, one or two of you might be spared the emotional, mental, and physical suffering that accompanies perpetual worry … I will shout my story from the rooftops….
Why in the world do we talk about Lent anyway? Many churches have stopped making much of this season of preparation but I’ve always found it a blessing to slow down a little and prayerfully think about all Jesus has graciously done for me through His life, death, and resurrection. I see comments out there…
I know I don’t typically publish a post on Wednesdays but the Lord gave me a nudge that I just couldn’t ignore. It all started Monday morning, as I sat down with my Bible and a cup of coffee for my time of prayer and study. My first reading was Joshua 23, where Joshua begins…
Sometimes I think I was born anxious. Seriously, I can remember way too many middle of the night worry session as a child. And although I’d love to tell you that all disappeared when I grew up … you wouldn’t believe me anyway. Everyone knows there are countless things to worry about as an adult,…