5 Important Biblical Truths You Need to Know about God’s Discipline
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5 Important Biblical Truths You Need to Know about God’s Discipline

My child, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline,    and don’t be upset when He corrects you.For the Lord corrects those He loves,    just as a father corrects a child in whom He delights. Proverbs 3:11–12 Nope, I don’t like being disciplined. I never have. Truthfully, I don’t know anyone who gets excited about being sent to time out or having a…

The Unexpected Ways Doing Whatever It Takes Can Bless Your Life Today
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The Unexpected Ways Doing Whatever It Takes Can Bless Your Life Today

Rev and I once stayed at a hotel where there was a card on the nightstand that read: W.I.T. Whatever it Takes. Simply dial ’10.’ Our goal is that every guest leaves satisfied.“ As guests, we appreciated both the message and the goal. And then I started thinking… What if every follower of Jesus, the…

The 5 Things You Should Do First to Bless and Simplify Your Life
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The 5 Things You Should Do First to Bless and Simplify Your Life

The first week in August is Simplify Your Life Week. Do you dread the start of school and all the extra activities that go with it? This week is the perfect time to stop and assess your family’s priorities, schedule, and responsibilities. It’s time to evaluate your must-dos, need-to dos, and want-to dos. Before the busyness and…

Why It’s a Blessing to Know that Jesus Plus Nothing is Enough
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Why It’s a Blessing to Know that Jesus Plus Nothing is Enough

Jesus said, “I AM the Messiah.” (John 4:26) He said, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” (John 14:6) And when Jesus asked Peter what he believed about Him, Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16) So, today I’m taking a closer look and asking myself…

The Who, What, and Why of Living with a Strong Moral Character
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The Who, What, and Why of Living with a Strong Moral Character

So, how’s your character? I looked up both positive and negative character traits and discovered… Positive traits like compassion, kindness, humility, honesty, and self-control. And Negative traits like arrogance, rudeness, laziness, selfishness, and abrasiveness. So those are character traits but… What exactly is a person’s character? The word character comes from the Greek word “χαρακτήρα”,…

5 Ways You Can Be Positive in a World Full of Negativity
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5 Ways You Can Be Positive in a World Full of Negativity

How would your friends and family describe you? Are you a positive person? How would people on social media describe you? Are you positive there, too? It’s not easy but I typically try to choose words that are loving, kind, and encouraging . . . even when it feels like I’m swimming against the current. I’ve…

How You Can Be Strong Enough to Survive Any Problem You Face
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How You Can Be Strong Enough to Survive Any Problem You Face

Father God,I’m not strong enough.I can’t. I’m afraid. What’s the thing you fear most? That thing that makes your palms sweat and your heart race? The thing you beg God not to allow—telling Him you can’t, you’re afraid . . . you’re not strong enough. But when you finally get the courage to talk to a friend…

8 Qualities You Need If You Want Healthy Trusting Relationships
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8 Qualities You Need If You Want Healthy Trusting Relationships

What makes a healthy trusting relationship? Not just between husband and wife, but with family members and friends, too. Rev and I talked about this recently and determined that we believe trust is essential in all healthy relationships. So, we made a list of things we believe are important to maintain the trust that is…

Why It’s a Blessing to Surrender to God Especially When It’s Hard
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Why It’s a Blessing to Surrender to God Especially When It’s Hard

What if God asked you for permission before He allowed your life to get painful and messy? I imagine like me, you would quickly reply, “I don’t want to!“ “I don’t want to . . . endure, suffer, grieve, lose, forfeit, repent, surrender, forgive, etc. It’s too hard. It’s too painful. I’m not strong enough . . ….

7 Helpful Things You Need to Do When You Doubt Your Faith
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7 Helpful Things You Need to Do When You Doubt Your Faith

I frequently hear from people who are struggling with feelings of doubt… They doubt God’s goodness. They question God’s forgiveness. They’re afraid or worried about the future. They’re disappointed, hurt, or just beaten down by life. They don’t feel His presence and wonder about His love. The enemy of our souls works overtime to keep us…

5 Verses to Pray Thanking God for Freedom and Independence
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5 Verses to Pray Thanking God for Freedom and Independence

The 4th of July is celebrated as Independence day in America. So, what does it mean to be independent? 1. Not subject to control by others: self-governing.2. Not requiring or relying on someone or something else. Synonyms for independence are: self-sufficient, self-reliant, self-supported, and self-sustaining . . . the ability to live in freedom. On July…